Warning! Facebook ‘Unfriend Alert’ App Is Stealing Your Data

Users of the “Unfriend Alert” app, which tells them when someone unfriends them on Facebook (FB), might have their data stolen.

Source: ©iStock.com/pressureUA

According to MalwareBytes, the Unfriend Alert app is free to download and requires users to sign in with their Facebook accounts to use its services. When doing this, the app steals the person’s name and password.

The loss of private data to Unfriend Alert was revealed by MalwareBytes in a security report. The security website showed that the app sends login credentials to a website named “yougotunfriended.com”. Users are advised to delete the app and change their passwords for Facebook.

Facebook users that want an app that does what Unfriend Alert claimed to do have a few options. One such app to keep tabs on their friends is called “Unfriend Checker”.

Update: MalwareBytes has reversed its stance on the Unfriend Alert app. Here’s what it had to say about the matter:

“Here at Malwarebytes, we do our best at pointing out the facts and true dangers behind all online threats. Though we are only human and very rarely we can be overzealous in our attempts to inform our users of online threats. Unfriend Alert reached out to us after this blog post to let us know what our analysis was incorrect and upon further inspection, it turns out that our initial belief that Unfriend Alert was possibly stealing Facebook credentials was incorrect.”

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2015/06/facebook-unfriend-alert-fb/.

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