The “Smart CEF Money” is Buying These 8%+ Yields

With rates once again ticking up, it’s the perfect time to follow the “smart CEF money” and buy the best funds at a renewed discount.

Retirees Have A Better Option For High Yields (PCI, PDI)

Yield isn't too hard to find if you look around, and these 2 closed-end-funds (CEF) offer value and yield for your nest egg

3 High-Yield Mortgage REITs To Buy, 2 To Sell Now

On Wall Street, there's a familiar saying: the next crisis won't look like the last one. If it holds true in the mortgage market, these picks will shine

Closed-End Funds (CEFs) – Should You Be Selling?

The 'easy money' in closed-end funds has largely been made. We're not selling CEFs in droves, but we're trying to remain flexible.