Here is your daily Apple stock (NASDAQ: AAPL) news and rumors report for Oct. 1, 2010. Apparently Facebook has had enough of fighting the new social networking feature of iTunes, aka Ping. Also a new survey shows the Android OS from Google is eating the iPhone’s lunch. Lastly, could a touch-screen Mac be in the works post-iPad?
Facebook to Settle With Apple Over Ping Integration: One of Facebook’s chief technologists says that the world’s premiere social network will integrate with Apple’s Ping. Since Apple launched the music-centric social network called Ping alongside iTunes 10 at the beginning of September, the company has had trouble clarifying its service’s relationship with Facebook. The first version of iTunes 10 available to users across the country actually had Facebook Connect features integrated with Ping, though they were removed via a software update within 24 hours. Apple did not have official rights to incorporate Facebook features to Ping at iTunes 10’s launch, and the available tools were made available “by accident.” On Sept. 22, the Silicon Alley Insider published a report detailing the prolonged negotiations between Apple and Facebook. The two companies failed to come to an agreement after 18 months of talks, with Ping’s Facebook integration disintegrating over what Apple CEO Steve Jobs called Facebook’s, “onerous terms that we could not agree to.” According to a follow up story published yesterday at the Silicon Alley Insider, Facebook and Apple are ready to bury the hatchet. Facebook’s chief technology officer Bret Taylor told media in New York City that he is “very confident” his company will be working with Apple on Ping soon. Apple shareholders should be thrilled at the news as Facebook integration should only strengthen iTunes dominance of the digital music sales space.
Consumer Interest in Google Andorid Smart Phones Equals iPhone: Apple sold 3 million iPhone 4s between June 24 and the end of July. While the company’s flagship smart phone was plagued by bad press following its early summer launch, it also had no problem moving units and keeping consume interest at a high. The honeymoon isn’t over by any means, but the iPhone 4 is no longer dominating mind space in the smart phone market. According to a new survey conducted by ChangeWave Research, consumer interest in Apple’s latest iPhone is almost tied with interest in phones using Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Android operating system, particularly Motorola’s (NYSE: MOT) Droid phones. When 4,000 individuals were polled on Sept. 23, 38% of respondents answered that they prefer the iPhone, while 37% said that they would prefer to purchase an Android phone. Prior to the iPhone 4’s launch in June, 50% of respondents preferred Apple while just 30% preferred phones using Google’s software. ChangeWave also reported a slight increase in BlackBerry interest, which should please Research in Motion (NASDAQ: RIMM) shareholders. (In June, just 5% of individuals polled were interested in RIM’s smart phones. Now they’re at 6%. Go BlackBerry Torch.) Apple’s PR woes over Antennagate have most likely had some influence in these new consumer trends, but it’s more likely that the iPhone’s exclusivity with carrier AT&T is damaging Apple more as general consumer interest in smart phones increase. These numbers will look very different if and when Apple announces its Verizon (NYSE: VZ) iPhone in early 2011.
iMac Touch-screen Panel Display Currently in Testing: Rumors of a new adjustable touch-panel iMac computers have been popping up since January. Now, DigiTimes is reporting that Sintek Photronics has sent test versions of the new touch-screen to Apple for approval. The new screens will be available as small as 20 inches alongside larger models, and will be easily adjustable for vertical and horizontal usage. Apple patent filings uncovered earlier this year outlined designs for the device. The iPad is expected to overtake Mac computers as Apple’s chief revenue stream over the next two years, but a touch-panel desktop computer at the right price might bring the two products back to equal footing.
As of this writing, Anthony Agnello did not own a position in any of the stocks named here.
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