Big Brother & Big Data Are Watching – Morning Linkfest (June 24)

Technology is certainly taking over how business is conducted these days; just look at movies about the business world. Apologies to Gordon Gecko and Wall Street, but one of the best movies about Wall Street is actually Trading Places staring Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy. In addition to being a funny film, it’s also an interesting time capsule on just how “primitive” the Street used to be. Especially during the final scene when the duo are screaming in the commodities pits buying/selling. If the movie were filmed today, the duo would probably be sitting an office somewhere analyzing tweets for best market plays. Here’s the staff at the Economist explaining how some hedge funds are doing just that.

HuffPo (Jules Polonetsky): According to big data tech, smart people like curly fries.

Chicago Tribune (David Heinzmann): Next time you take a stroll down Michigan Avenue, Big Brother will be watching. Thanks big data!

TechCrunch (Natasha Lomas): Does Microsoft (MSFT) really care about its Windows-based phones? The tech firm launches an Android-based model. (Dan Caplinger): Dividends — even in the tech sector — are huge predictor of long-term returns.  

HotHardware (Joel Hruska): Intel (INTC) can keep its fancy chips and semiconductors. We’re going back to the future of tech, with … vacuum tubes?

Washington Post (Craig Whitlock): Technology is trying to kill you. Jet-to-drone collisions are rising.

Greenbackd (Tobias Carlisle): Should you focus on value stocks? Yes. Like, right now. Buy ‘em up. Blog (Arthur Hill): Even more reason to hunt for value: Almost every single sector of the market is at an all-time high. That includes tech.

Aaron Levitt is an investment journalist living in Ohio. With nearly two decades of experience, his work appears in several high-profile publications in both print and on the web. Also likes a good Reuben sandwich. Follow his picks and pans on Twitter at @AaronLevitt.

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