Google Images Bug: Results Replaced With Russian Car Crash Photo

Those trying a Google (GOOG) Image search on Tuesday morning might not have got what they expected.

google-goog-google-imageMany Google users reported getting images of a car crash in Russia instead of what they searched for when using the search engine’s image search feature. The image showed up over and over again in image searches and was featured next to many news stories in web searches, reports The Wall Street Journal.

Google said it was looking into the matter to determine what the issue was. It’s currently unknown if the search engine was the target of an attack by hackers or if it was just a bug in the system, WSJ notes.

While the image of a car crash in Russia was the main result from image searches on Tuesday morning, several users also shared screenshots that showed a picture of NBS star Kevin Durant breaking up the flow of car crash images.

The Google Image search issue isn’t exclusive to the United States and has also been reported by users in Canada, Germany, and Brazil.

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