Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is a $742.6 billion in market value member of the Internet Software & Services GICS industry group where The current Portfolio Grader ranking for GOOGL puts it 73 among the 129 companies in this industry group, giving it a below-average spot. GOOGL is ranked in the top half of the sector with a ranking of 329 among the 701 companies in the sector and number 1,761 in the 5000 company Portfolio Grader company universe. More
Why “The Force” Is With Walt Disney Co Stock Investors
There’s enough support off and on the Disney stock price chart to see a butterfly spread as a solid strategy for bullish positioning in DIS. More
Citigroup (C) a Hold on Anemic Quant Score
Citigroup Inc (NYSE:C) is one of the 761 companies in the GICS Financials sector, and a member of the 339 company Banks GICS industry group within this sector. The market value of C is $199.6 billion which places it in the top decile in its industry group. The ranking for C by Portfolio Grader places it 123 among the 339 companies in this industry group, giving it an above-average position; in the top half of the sector with a ranking of 327 among the 761 companies in the sector, and number 2,323 in the nearly 5,000 company Portfolio Grader universe. More (AMZN) a Buy on Robust Earnings Visibility
Currently, Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) has a Buy using Louis Navellier's Portfolio Grader stock evaluator, which incorporates his investing methodology. AMZN has maintained this ranking for 2 months. More
Apple (AAPL) a Strong Buy on Top-End Quant Score
Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) ranks in the top decile in its industry group, Technology Hardware Storage & Peripherals, and in the top 10% of its sector group, Information Technology, with a market value of $897.1 billion. From an investment attractiveness viewpoint, AAPL is ranked among the sector leaders with a ranking of 30 among the 701 companies in the sector; the stock's current Portfolio Grader score places it 3 among the 37 companies in this industry group, putting it in the top decile and number 92 in the 5000 company Portfolio Grader company universe. More
Wednesday’s Vital Data: Apple Inc, Micron Technology, Inc. and Freeport McMoRan Inc
Apple (AAPL) and Micron (MU) options dropped on reports of weak iPhone X demand, while Freeport (FCX) surged as copper prices hit a three-year high. More