Valeant Pharmaceuticals International (VRX) a Buy on Healthy Earnings Visibility

Portfolio Grader currently ranks Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc (NYSE:VRX) a Buy. Using Louis Navellier's investing methodology, this analytical tool assesses stocks by means of fundamental and quantitative metrics. VRX has maintained this ranking for the last month. More 

Trade of the Day: JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)

JPM, along with the rest of the financial sector, is poised to benefit from the implementation of the Trump tax cuts in 2018, and we expect the stock to break out in the run up to its earnings announcement. More 

AbbVie Inc Dividend at Risk Amid Patent Protection Problems

ABBV remains a strong holding for dividend growth, but AbbVie is about to lose patent protection on Humira, which accounts for two-thirds of its revenue. More 

Bitcoin Feels the Pain as Stocks Inch Higher

The overbought situation just keeps getting more and more ridiculous, with the weekly RSI indicator hitting levels not seen since the late 1950s. More 

7 ‘Grade-A’ Financial Stocks for 2018 and Beyond

The economy is booming thanks to consumer spending and the sector that stands the most to benefit from this upsurge is financial stocks. More 

The Best Is Yet to Come for Nike Inc Stock

NKE stock barely budged after middle-of-the-road Q2 numbers, and that is a sign that Nike bulls are largely in control. More 

Should You Buy and Hold Snap Inc Stock? Not on Your Life!

SNAP Inc is losing money hand over fist and, amid increasing competition, there is no compelling reason to buy SNAP stock. More