Exxon Mobil (XOM) Big Oil’s Big Demise

Why is it that when I think of oil giant ExxonMobil (XOM), all I can see is the tanker Valdez sinking in Prince William Sound and creating one of the greatest ecological disasters on record? Is this perhaps a premonition of what will become of ExxonMobil in the future?

Unfortunately, I think so.

The news of XOM’s second quarter earnings totaling $11.68 billion defines the epitome of excess. Does anyone remember the original settlement for the oil spill in Alaska? At the time, it was a huge number thought to potentially ruin the company. Today, the settlement pales in comparison to what this company is making in the crude business.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not knocking ExonMobil’s right to earn a profit. In fact, if you’re looking for a few ways to investing in big oil, then you’ll want to read, “3 GameChangers for Record Oil Prices“).

I’m merely saying that the company’s riches have become so excessive, that there is only one direction for this company to go from here–straight down the oil well. Something is going to happen to XOM, and it’s not going to be pretty for stockholders. In fact, the fall of the Roman Empire comes to mind. The same is going to happen with ExxonMobil.

Let’s face it, when legendary oilman and alternative energy entrepreneur, T. Boone Pickens puts big money behind the effort to crush our dependence on foreign oil, investors not only need to sit up and listen. AND get out of the stock–while the gettin’ is still good.

Owning XOM is no longer about the numbers. The story here is all about the moving away from fossil fuels to alternative energy and changing consumer sentiment (see also, “Let the Sun Shine In On Solar Stocks“). Will XOM participate in the future of alternative energy in a meaningful way? I doubt it. They’ll just pump oil until the very last drop is sold.

There’s obviously big money to be made in alternative energy, and XOM should be positioned to play a leading role here. But so far, they refuse to hop on the alternative energy bandwagon which is why selling XOM makes a ton of Rational sense right now. Yes, you may be leaving money on the table, but those tables are turning fast.

What I expect for from XOM is a substantial decline in stock valuation, followed by real evidence that the company will be a leader in the alternative race. Without a massive shift in its core business model, changing consumer behavior will be the end of this oil giant.

Stop burning a hole in your portfolio with overpriced oil plays. Sign up for your risk-free trial subscription to Richard Young’s Intelligence Report and he’ll show you which top producers are raking it in for his Intelligence Report subscribers!

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2008/08/exxon-mobil-big-oils-_big-demise/.

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