He Bought Microsoft at $0.39


A special event this afternoon with Louis Navellier… pulling back the curtain on how his quant-based investment system works… how to get a potential 10X stock pick, for free


For any crypto investors shocked at the sector plunge they’re seeing today, we’ll tackle that in tomorrow’s Digest. Today, we’re focusing on a special event happening this afternoon at 4 PM ET.

To introduce it, let’s begin with some data.

***In 1989, the top 10% of Americans owned 67% of the nation’s wealth

By 2016, that number had grown to 77%.

But the more shocking number references those Americans on the lower end of the financial spectrum.

In 1989, the bottom 50% of Americans (financially-speaking) owned only 3% of the wealth in the country.

By 2016, it was down to just 1%.

Keep in mind, this happened years before the pandemic, which was like kerosene on a fire, exploding the already-cavernous wealth gap.

With this as our set-up, let’s jump straight to legendary growth investor, Louis Navellier:

America is the land of “Haves” and “Have Nots.”

Some have absurd abundance.

Some have nothing.

And the rate at which things change in favor of the rich versus the poor is only speeding up, not slowing down.

My InvestorPlace colleagues and I call this phenomenon – the huge and rapidly growing divide caused by technological disruptions — the Techno-Chasm.

Soon, the Techno-Chasm will be so large that those on the wrong side won’t be able to make the jump… and they’ll be stuck on the wrong side for the rest of their lives.

Today, I’m going to explain how you can use my system to end up on the right side of the Techno-chasm.

As Louis just noted, this afternoon at 4 PM ET, he’s holding an important live event called the Accelerated Wealth Summit.

The purpose of the event is simple – to help everyday investors like you and me not only avoid the economic destruction of the Techno-Chasm but use it as a tool for wealth creation.

Louis will be doing this by walking attendees through his quantitative trading system. It’s the same system that enabled him to rack up winners like the 612% gain on Santarus… the 751% return on Vipshop Holdings Limited… and the 1,125% gain on Hansen Naturals.

So, in today’s Digest, let’s better understand Louis’ numbers-based approach and how it can help transform your portfolio and financial situation.

***Most of us are terrible investors – the numbers prove it

For newer Digest, readers, Louis is one of the early pioneers of using predictive algorithms to scour the markets for quantitatively-strong stocks. Forbes even named him the “King of Quants.”

This numbers-approach has helped him produce decades of triple-digit winners for his private clients and subscribers.

Most investors aren’t so lucky…

The reality is that humans aren’t wired to be great investors. Our emotions trip us up.

We hold our losers too long, allowing small losses to become massive losses. Conversely, we sell our winners too early, locking-in solid returns, which prevents them from snowballing into life-changing returns.

The research company, Dalbar, has documented this. In a long-term study that tracked investors from 1986 to 2015, Dalbar found that the average investor’s returns were just 3.66% per year, compared to the S&P 500’s annual return of 10.35%.

That is massive underperformance.

To illustrate just how big, take two $100,000 portfolios, starting in 1986. One will return 3.66%, the other 10.35%.

Come 2015, those portfolios will be worth, respectively, $292,992 and $1,919,420.

It’s no exaggeration that this net-worth differential would have a profound impact on the life of, well, everyone except the ultrarich.

***So, how have some of the world’s most successful investors overcome the massive investment-liability of emotions?

By turning to computers.

It makes sense…

If our emotions are the root of the problem, then cold, emotionless computer programs should be the antidote.

Louis was fortunate enough to discover the power of computerized investing at the beginning of his career.

In his MBA program, he had designed an experiment to prove that the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) was true.

For any readers less familiar, the EMH basically states that share prices accurately reflect all known information about a company and its stock. Therefore, it is impossible to consistently beat the market over time, because no one has some critical, unknown, piece of information about a company that can be traded upon for profit (barring insider trading).

Here’s Louis describing what actually happened based on his EMH experiment:

I had designed an experiment to prove that the efficient market hypothesis was true.

The only problem was, my data was saying otherwise.

I had used my access to a few mainframe computers at Wells Fargo and Stanford (remember this was back in the days before PCs) to analyze years of data on thousands of stocks…

And I discovered, contrary to the opinions of my professors, that the efficient market theory was false.

It was, in fact, possible to use computers to analyze vast amounts of information and find anomalies in the stock market data.

Little hidden formulas that can be used to find the stocks that are most likely to go up… with the least amount of risk.

When I looked at all this data, I came to a life-changing conclusion.

Computerized trading systems are the future of investing.

This one simple discovery would change my life forever.

I’ll add that Louis put his system to use after his graduate program and was a millionaire by age 30.

***Why computerized trading works so well with stocks that benefit from the Tech-Chasm

Let’s begin to look at the interplay between Louis’ system and the Techno-Chasm by asking a key question…

What’s driving the Techno-Chasm? Beyond the blanket answer of “technology,” what’s the real dynamic?

Well, cutting-edge tech products are simplifying our lives, making them far more convenient. This is why Americans are happy to continue opening their wallets for tech, even those who aren’t necessarily earning high incomes.

If you want a simple illustration of this, look at what could be argued as the most influential tech product of the past decade…


Recently, Pew Research conducted a study on cell phones and found that 96% of Americans own a cell phone of some kind.

Of that, the share of Americans that own smartphones is 81%.

Now, what percentage of U.S. adults who make less than $30K a year own a smartphone?

Not just any ‘ole cell phone, but a fancy smartphone?

It’s a whopping 71%.

This is nothing short of a wealth transfer. It’s from the masses… to a select group of technology business owners, key employees, and investors. This is the Techno-Chasm.

It shows up in cold, hard numbers – specifically, quantifiable earnings strength.

Now, tying back to Louis and his quant system, what are Louis’ algorithms engineered to seek out?

Quantifiable earnings strength.

This is how Louis’ numbers-approach can help investors get on the right side of the Techno-Chasm – his system looks for the exact same dynamic that’s, in part, exploding the wealth gap.

This afternoon, Louis will be diving into more details on all of this. But there’s far more…

Attendees will also learn what Louis’ models are suggesting is in store for the market in the coming months…

Louis will highlight certain groups of stocks that he believes are poised to outperform, as well as those that you need to purge from your portfolio…

He’s even going to give away the name of a small, innovative company that he believes could be a Techno-Chasm 10X winner in the years ahead.

To join, just click here to reserve your seat.

I’ll give Louis the final word:

Imagine how your life would be different with just a few critical calls in the market.

Imagine your life if you had bought:

  • Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) for 39 cents per share.
  • Apple Inc. (AAPL) for $1.38 per share
  • Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) for 50 cents per share.

I recommended those stocks at those prices, and my subscribers collected massive gains.

And I live a comfortable life because of those calls and many others with similar huge gains.

I didn’t achieve those gains with market timing, or just by getting lucky.

I’m a numbers guy.

Using modern technology and loads of data, I am able to identify which stocks are ready to skyrocket.

Gains like these can be a retirement game changer. A chance to collect triple-digit returns in a short time.

And now, I’m ready to unveil this system to the world.

Join me today 4 p.m. ET for my special Accelerated Wealth Summit. I’m going to unveil my system and give you my #1 stock pick that could climb 1,000% or more over the next few years.

Can’t wait to see you there!

Have a good evening,

Jeff Remsburg

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2021/05/he-bought-microsoft-at-0-39/.

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