Hello, Reader.
In my Trade of the Decade briefing yesterday, I revealed that OIL is my choice for the sector with the potential for the biggest gains for the next few years.

I urge you to watch the entire briefing to get my complete analysis, but even if you don’t have a few minutes to watch it right now…
You should know that electric vehicles are not going to conquer the world anytime soon.
If you drank the Kool-Aid that “electric vehicles are going to make the internal combustion engine obsolete in ten years…”
You should know a few important facts:
It’s estimated that the total number of internal combustion vehicles on the world’s roads will not peak until 2038. (That’s another 16 years of ICE growth!)
Thanks mostly to their expensive batteries, the average electric vehicle requires twice as much energy to produce as non-EV.
And the skyrocketing cost of battery metals has quadrupled the cost of those inputs for automakers like Tesla!
Add it all up and you can see why I believe oil is not going to be phased out anytime soon.
In fact, oil stocks are poised to be huge winners because oil supply has fallen short of demand since the middle of 2020.
Oil is still an indispensable resource and taking Russia’s 4.7 million barrels per day of oil exports off the market is a catalyst that still hasn’t been fully factored into oil stock prices.
This reality is why I’ve declared oil the Trade of the Decade and believe the many oil stocks could double or triple from their current levels.
In my briefing, I also revealed:
- Why the Oil Trade of the Decade is so similar to some of my biggest trade recommendations of the past and why now is the perfect time to get in on it.
- How this trade can be massively successful even if the rest of the market goes nowhere fast.
- Why my top oil picks are still incredibly cheap even after the 2022 oil rally.
- The name and ticker symbol of one oil recommendation that could benefit tremendously from this situation.
- And much, much more!
My team has just posted the video replay of this incredible presentation, so I urge you to click this link to watch it right now.
I’d hate for you to miss out on this tremendous opportunity.
Eric Fry
Senior Macro-Investing Analyst, InvestorPlace