Domino’s Testing Drones to Deliver Pizza … Seriously

PizzaLook up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s a drone! And it’s carrying pizza!

U.S. pizza chain Domino’s (DPZ) recently began testing a pizza delivery drone prototype in the United Kingdom. The specially-built octacopter flew two large pepperoni pizzas in a ten minute flight over the English city of Guilford, NBC News notes.

The test was performed and committed to video by T + Biscuits, a marketing firm working with Domino’s. The drone flew about four miles, remotely controlled by a trained pilot. The pizzas were delivered to their destination safely.

While the test was successful — flying drones don’t have to stop for red lights or get stuck in traffic — the custom-made drone has a weight limit that would preclude carrying more than the two pizzas.

The octacopter was dubbed the DomiCopter for the demonstration. Though the flight was a success, and certainly garnered the desired media attention, Domino’s is unlikely to launch flocks of pizza-toting drones skyward any time soon.

This isn’t the first time Domino’s has tried creative marketing. Last month, it partnered with Brazilian DVD rental businesses to debut DVDs that showed Domino’s ads and emitted a pizza odor after they were played.

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