Here are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:
iMac: The next version of Apple’s (AAPL) iMac may be out as early as next month, reports MacRumors. A new rumor claims that the tech company could release a 27-inch version of the iMac in October. According to these rumors, the new device would be “5K” with a resolution of 5120 x 2880. Other specs that are rumored for the 27-inch iMac include a 4.0 GHz Core i7-4790K and AMD graphics. Port configuration is expected to stay the same as current models of the iMac.
Display: The new display used on the Apple Watch is reported to cost much more than previously thought, AppleInsider notes. According to a report, the 1.5 inch AMOLED display used in the upcoming device costs $27.41 per unit. This is much more expensive than the estimated cost of $45 per unit for the 4.7-inch display found on the iPhone 6. A further breakdown estimates that only $7.86 of the cost is for the display itself and the other comes from the glass screen that sits above the display.
Security: Apple’s iOS 8 may have a security flaw hidden in its QuickType keyboard, reports BGR. QuickType has a feature that predicts what the user is about to type. Some have reported that this feature tracks words they use frequently and that it’s starting to suggest parts of users’ password. One user claims that the keyboard suggested passwords from multiple different apps he used and some that were from apps he had already changed password on. Other users have also reported seeing their passwords suggested, despite the fact that they use strange words for their passwords.
For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.