Buzz Aldrin, the second man to ever step on the moon, has been evacuated from the South Pole.
Buzz Aldrin was on a trip to the South Pole with the White Desert tour company. The trip left for its destination on Tuesday. It’s unknown exactly what problem’s Aldrin faced, only that “his condition deteriorated.”
Buzz Aldrin was flown from the South Pole to the the McMurdo research station located on Antarctica’s Ross Island. The White Desert tour company released a statement about the events. It said in its statement that Aldrin is now in stable condition, reports USA Today.
Buzz Aldrin is now completely out of Antarctica. He has been transported to New Zealand. The National Science Foundation supplied the plane that was used to evacuate the former astronaut. It also took care of evacuating Aldrin from the South Pole and used a ski-equipped cargo plane for that segment of the trip.
“As a precaution, following discussion between the White Desert doctor and the US Antarctic Program (USAP) doctor, Mr Aldrin, accompanied by a member of his team, was evacuated on the first available flight out of the South Pole,” White Desert told NPR.” His condition was described as stable upon White Desert doctor’s hand-over to the USAP [medical] team.”
Buzz Aldrin was part of the three-man crew that made the first trip to the moon. The event took place in 1969. His first words after stepping out onto the moon’s surface were “Beautiful view.” Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins were also part of that first trip to the moon.