Want to learn how to gain 100% per year on your money, every year … starting now? Better yet, how to do it during 30 stress-free days on the calendar? Read on — I’ll show you how right here. …
You probably know this already…but on the very first day of trading, 2011, the S&P 500 index began the year at wherever, and ended the year at exactly that same “wherever.” For a gain of exactly zero.
With a ton of swerves and curves in the middle.
After the “Lost Decade” (which is the label the decade of 2001-’10 has earned because the market went exactly nowhere during this time), investors are now asking more and more, “How much longer until the stock market shakes off all its funkiness?”
It’s a great question. But you probably won’t like the answer.
According to a recent Barron’s roundtable of the country’s shrewdest investors, the answer is: at least five to 10 years longer.
In fact, there’s already a new label floating around called the “Terrible 20.” Yep, you guessed it … that stands for a probable 20 years of time where stocks do a whole lot of sideways nothing-ness!
To sum up what the Barron’s roundtable said last week:
Interest rates hovering at or near zero percent has created tons of liquidity, which is what’s driving the extreme volatilities … and we predict this will be the norm for the next five to 10 years. It’s driven the small investor away. He doesn’t understand the market and all of its wild moves. He doesn’t trust Wall Street, which he considers corrupt and dominated by people with inside information.
That’s a pretty grim reality. And it renders most of the traditional approaches investors have relied on to be frustrating and fruitless. I’m talking about the traditional research into both technical and fundamental analysis.
I don’t have to say any more. You know it and you feel it.
Trapped in the ‘Terrible 20’?
Here’s How to Turn it Around
Bottom line is – you aren’t going to get a 100% return anytime soon investing in the broader stock market (like the SPDR S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Diamonds!).
So what should you do? Is there a single-best way to make money, given all this crazy volatility and uncertainty every day? Something that’s easy and relatively stress-free, that works in spite of the greater market forces at work?
Get that answer on Page 2.
Hell yes, there is. And it’s something I’ve profited from and marveled at during most of the last 13 years. This includes good years in the market and not so good years. But it still works like a charm. In fact, I’m wrapping up a trade right now that was easy and stress-free. A bagged profit of over 100% that lined my wallet with some of the market’s “liquidity” — in exactly a 30-day period of time.
That ought to get your attention. And it should because I’m going to tell you exactly how I did it, and how you can start doing it too.
Since we’ve talked about the market already, let’s start right there. The market is impossible to predict in any given year. After all, it’s made up of a collection of hundreds of stocks. And everyone knows if stocks fall out of favor, they can have a collective bad year. Which means, so can you.
Even the smartest cats in the jungle routinely miss on their market predictions. So forget the market of stocks (the stock market).
Instead, let’s talk about one individual stock … and how it can literally change your fortune, if you let it.
Potential Returns: ‘The Surreal Made Real’
No matter what the economy or mood of the market, there always exists a single company that captures the hearts and minds. Circumstances of time and place put it in the sweet spot of all sweet spots.
But it’s much more than that. It’s the land of unicorns, rainbows and gumdrops. It’s the surreal made real. You know it when you see it.
And there’s a lot to see: mobs of buyers, lines out the door, even bi-planes with banners and marching bands. (I’ll tell ya about the bi-planes and marching bands in a minute!)
There’s no stock “filter,” and there’s not dozens of candidates that shake out into the bottom of the pan.
There’s ONE stock. Uno.
And forget trying to guess which company out of 10,000 is going to be the magic one to buy and hold. Heck no! That’s not what I’m saying one bit!
What I’m saying is you can sit back and watch it all unfurl. And when you do, there’s an easy, fast way to make big rolls of Ben Franklins on it.
(I’m NOT talking about buying and holding, dividend collecting, technical analysis, buying shares of another stock in the same sector, or anything else like that.)
So what is that company today?
The company to make money on no matter how weird the world gets, what mood the market may be trapped in, or what turn in the economy happens next?
It’s Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). In fact a friend of mine recently shared his investing philosophy about Apple…
For more information about you can collect your own personal windfall from strategic option trades, visit WeeklyWindfallSecrets.com.
Get my friend’s investment philosophy … and my top trading tip … on Page 3.
‘Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
Unless They’re Apple Eggs’
It’s true — you’d do pretty darn well just pushing your chips into the middle of the table and just holding onto AAPL these days.
At the time I write this, Apple is at $426 per share. Thirty days ago it was trading at $382. That’s when I bought it. That’s a $44 move, for an 11.5% gain in the stock.
Why did it move like this so predictably and on cue? From Dec. 18 to Jan. 18? The plain answer is because Apple is getting ready to announce its earnings on Jan 24.
The Most Important 30 Days of the Year
Because of how many devices this company sells … the lines people wait in for the newest, latest and greatest things it makes … and the curiosity of the sheer volume of money it CAN make — this is what drives the stock price up in anticipation of the earnings date.
It did this last December, and the December before that, and the December before that. And in fact, it does this almost in every 30-day period leading up to ALL of its earnings announcements!
(September to October 2011 it moved 40 bucks … June to July 2011 it moved 70 bucks … you get the idea!)
But you could simply focus on the December to January period – of any year. That’s because Apple is loaded with future news dates and events.
For one, there’s the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas that takes place in early January. Then there’s the annual MacWorld/iWorld show that takes place in later January. Not to mention their earnings announcement wedged in there.
A Tip for When Q2 Comes Around…
What I like to do is enter Apple approximately 30 days before the earnings event. I like to buy in on a scared day in the market. I like to buy in when nobody’s talking about Apple. And I like to buy a simple call option with a strike price that’s near where the stock is trading at the time.
But wait a minute … didn’t I say I was making 100% returns in these 30 days?! Yes I did. And how you achieve this is with leverage, specifically using a tool called a call option (limited, fixed downside risk, with unlimited upside to gain).
Buying a strategic call option about 30 days before Apple announces earnings costs 1/20th what the stock costs, yet pays off over 10 times the move of the stock.
The best part is it’s perfectly legal and no one knows or cares that you line your pockets with profits!
As I like to remind people, a 100% gain in 30 days’ time like this allows you to do stupid stuff as an investor, even for many months, and still come out way ahead!
FYI, a rule of thumb with a call option is this: An approximate move of 10% in the stock can equal a doubling of the value of the call option.
Finally, You Have a Trading Advantage over the ‘Big Boys’!
So there you have it. A killer, compelling and stress-free trade you can do in the market right now. Go ahead … check out a one-year chart of AAPL. Go back the last four to five years – and watch how the stock responds in the 30-day period before every single earnings announcement.
Remember this too: YOU can trade like this … but mutual funds, hedge funds and the other bloated, big-money institutions can’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. They just can’t — it ain’t possible for them to move enough money around to make it worth their while.
In closing … there’s some other really fun things you can do alongside your call option. One solid thing is what I call a “Money Press,” where you utilize weekly traded options and do a mini calendar spread, selling premium every single week and putting it in your pocket.
You can make plenty enough with this to purchase the call option, enhancing your 100% return even more. (Meaning, when you don’t even pay for the call option with your own money!)
The biggest problem you’ll have with what I just laid out is the boredom in between these trades. But I have an answer for that too. You see, there’s one other thing out there that’s AS EXCITING as what I just shared here.
It’s an almost-magic, little-known piece of news, and every time it’s announced, the stock goes up 86% of the time over the next three to six months … and it’s NOT an earnings announcement.
You can trade this little known piece of news with a call option, just like in this Apple example, it’s that compelling of a driver of the stock.
And I’ll tell you all about it including much, much more for free, by clicking here >>
I hope this installment finds you well today.
— Preston James
P.S. Very important – the idea is to sell out BEFORE the actual earnings date. This isn’t about guessing which way the stock will go after the announcement – this is all about capturing the upside as the weeks unfold leading into the compelling announcement date!
P.P.S. I told you I’d tell you about bi-planes and marching bands. That was the visual when Krispy Kreme (NYSE:KKD) was back in its heyday, opening stores left and right. That was a mob scene – and for 3 ½ years, can you guess how I made money on KKD? If you guessed the 30-day period before earnings with a simple call option, you’d be guessing right!
Learn how you can do it, too … click here to get started today.