Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

What’s In Store for Vanguard Investors in 2009?

Lost in the tumult and volatility of the 2008 financial meltdown was the fact that Vanguard made a number of intriguing changes -- from the very top of the company to individual fund managers to the addition of new funds. So what does this mean for Vanguard investors as we head into 2009? Find out here.

Outsmart Uncle Sam This Tax Season

Making changes to your investment portfolio simply for tax purposes is never a simple decision. That being said, it would be a shame to end a year that will give us portfolio losses and also end up paying taxes on funds' year-end distributions without trying to at least minimize the impact. Find out how to keep the tax man's hands out of your portfolio.

7 Reasons Not to Sell Now

We are working through an extraordinary moment in financial markets. But nervous sellers are tossing out their babies with the bathwater. Don't be one of them -- you can't time the stock market. When stocks snap back, they will snap back with a fury.

Windsor’s New Captain

A longtime member of the Windsor (VWNDX) and value investing team at Wellington Management's Radnor offices, James Mordy, 50, feels it's his job, and that of his team, to "turn around" the performance of the fund. After more than two decades of being a member of the team, he's energized to be the trigger-pulling portfolio manager. And with the majority of Windsor's $17 billion in assets under his control, Mordy knows what's expected of him.

The Search for Income

And I believe one effect of the wave of retiring boomers will be an increasing demand for yield-bearing assets. For some, the desire will be to live off their portfolios' income. Others, less willing to accept the volatility of the stock market, will begin searching for investments that lower the risk in their portfolios.

Is Your Vanguard Mutual Fund Portfolio Truly Diversified?

With thousands of mutual funds in existence and over 100 each at a single fund family like Vanguard, Fidelity, or T. Rowe Price, you can bet there's a lot of overlap in strategies and stocks. So, how can you tell if your portfolio of funds is truly diversified?

Mutual Fund Investing: Tech Winter

Now that summer is officially over, it's time to look ahead and fall into profits. Historically, from the end of October to the end of February, tech stocks tend to outperform the overall stock market. This phenomenon is something I call "Tech Winter." You can think of it as the prime time to overweight tech in your mutual fun portfolio.

How to Play Sector Funds

The whole issue of investing in sector funds sometimes begs more questions than it gives answers. Should you try to pick sectors, or let the managers of diversified funds do it for you? For most investors, the short answer is let the manager do it. But why am I against sector investing for your long-term portfolio?

Best Mutual Fund Investing Strategy

Mutual Fund industry dogma dictates that past performance is not a guarantee, nor a predictor of future results. On the face of it, this sounds reasonable. But in 1995, I discovered that one momentum strategy, applied correctly, CAN predict future results. I call it "Hot Hands."

Tax Efficiency vs. After-Tax Returns

I've said it for years: It isn't tax efficiency that investors should strive for, it's after-tax returns. That is: What you keep once you pay the tax man. So, which funds give you the best after-tax returns? And are they necessarily the most tax-efficient? Finally, with so many "tax-managed" funds on the market, are any worth your investment dollars?