Dan Wiener

Dan Wiener

Recent Articles

Is Vanguard’s Board Looking Out for You?

Vanguard's board of directors, or trustees, are the individuals charged with watching over the portfolio managers who watch over our money. So, where do they put their own investable cash? Are they eating their own cooking?

Presidential Investments

The debate over who, and which party, will next inhabit the White House is heating up. On Wall Street, those in the know can ignore the impact the election will have on investors. While there are plenty of reasons to focus on who you'll vote for in November, investing isn't one of them.

10 Steps to a Strong 2009

The financial chaos and the stock market meltdown have left many investors stressed out and unsure about what to do next. Noted Vanguard expert Dan Wiener has put together a quick 10-step program to help Vanguard investors like you get set for a strong year in 2009. Click here to find out what you should do now.

Keep More When You Pay the Tax Man

April 15 is past, and no doubt you're unhappy to have paid taxes on 2007 gains that disappeared in 2008. But the most important thing to strive for isn't tax-efficiency, it's after-tax returns. So which funds will leave the most money in your pocket for the next 12 months?

Why Index Funds Are NOT the Best Answer

Vanguard wants you to "believe" in indexing. Your faith in indexing is the cornerstone of their business. But it's a lie. And your trust could lead you to big losses. Here's why, plus details on one of Vanguard's riskiest funds.

4 Ways to Kick-In the Door of a Closed Fund

Have you been turned away from a hot mutual fund? It happens to even the best mutual fund investors. Try these four tips on how to get into a closed mutual fund

Top Vanguard Mutual Fund for Retirement

Remember when your parents retired? They looked forward to playing bridge, gardening in the back yard of the house you grew up in.. If you're anything like me, you don't want to sit around and garden in your golden years! And you've probably planned diligently for retirement using a variety of highly-rated Vanguard funds. Good for you. But have you invested in Vanguard's #1 Fund for retirement?

Tips on Getting Into Closed Funds

Let's talk about closed funds. First, why do funds close? Second, what does it mean for you when a fund closes? Finally, what can, or should you do about it?

Two Vanguard Fund Titans Say It Takes Time… Not Timing!

As the editor of The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors, I'm asked all the time why I don't just recommend Vanguard's index funds? The answer is simple: Vanguard has some of the best fund managers in the business. Two industry legends who outperform the market indexes time and time again are none other than Jim Barrow and Mark Giambrone.

Why You Can’t Trust Vanguard’s Performance Numbers

Vanguard's official annual performance numbers can be deceptive. The fund return figures that are so frequently cited are an unreliable (and dangerous!) method for choosing which Vanguard Fund to trust with your hard-earned money. Here's how to calculate a fund's true real-world performance.