Adam Patterson

Adam Patterson

Adam Patterson is an Assistant Editor at InvestorPlace. He focuses on technology, social media, energy, and the intersection of finance and politics.

Adam received a B.A. in Philosophy from Brandeis University with a concentration in philosophy of science — including adjunct studies in ethics and linguistics.

Adam worked previously at The Cohen Group, a Washington, DC-based strategic business advisory firm, where he performed a wide range of targeted research covering political and market analysis.

Adam is a compulsive follower of the science and technology press, and has a special interest in language, neuroscience, and astronomy. Born in San Francisco, California, Adam is a rabid audiophile. In his spare time he endlessly tweaks his overelaborate sound system.

He now lives in Washington, DC, and maintains an active Twitter account:!/ToweringBabble.

Recent Articles

Is the New iPad Hiding a Major Design Flaw?

Now that the opening weekend honeymoon is over, many iPad owners are noticing that Apple's newest tablet causes rapid data-limit burnout.

Wednesday Apple Rumors: AAPL Could Hit $1,650 By 2015

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Electronic Arts Hit with FTC Complaint

Escalating outrage around the alleged mishandling of Mass Effect's ending to new heights -- one gamer has just filed a false advertising claim against EA.

Tuesday Apple Rumors: New iPad Raises Privacy Concerns

The newly released iPad's voice-recognition feature is sparking fears about data privacy -- leaving consumers apprehensive about how much info Apple is collecting.

Monday Apple Rumors: Apple to Pay Dividend

Tim Cook announced Monday that Apple will pay its first dividend since 1995 -- $2.65 per share, a yield of around 1.8%.