Financial Advisor Center

At InvestorPlace, we believe that true earners are lifelong learners. The stock market never ceases to throw curveballs. Even professionals need financial advice, and our Financial Advisor Center provides top-tier investment advice that portfolio managers, technical strategists and even quantitative analysts can use to educate themselves and enrich their clients’ lives.

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This Is Not the Time to Back Down on Bonds

Take a deep breath -- though stocks and bonds are playing a dangerous game of chicken, there's no need to shake up a balanced portfolio strategy.

4 ‘Back-to-School’ Items for Investors

While you're checking off all the items on your kids' back-to-school list, make sure you have all these investing essentials, too.

An Optimistic Look at Our Retirement Profile

A recent survey on 401k participants shows we know retirement planning is falling more and more on our own shoulders -- but we're taking action not to drop the ball.

5 Moves That Young Investors Need to Make

Here's a handy checklist of steps to take to pay down your debts, protect what you have and start growing your money.

2 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Retirement Heading Into Fall

The market has been bumpy, and it's probably about to do a lot more of the same. Don't eject -- just buckle up.

3 Retirement To-Dos for the Dog Days of Summer

Don't let the cobwebs gather on your retirement holdings -- use a little summer downtime to get everything in line.

For Growth, Pick Primecap Odyssey Over Vanguard Capital Opportunity

Looking for aggressive growth? Primecap Odyssey Aggressive Growth is the fund Capital Opportunity used to be, and probably never will be again.

Feeling Pressure to Buy Stocks? Don’t.

Johnny-come-lately money managers who feel they "must" own more stocks are bidding up share prices. Fortunately, we're under no such pressure.

When to Buy Stocks and When to Sell Them

Wondering whether a stock is a good buy or not? Here's how to run the numbers to make sure you're getting the best value for your investment.

Don’t Pay Top Dollar in This Disconnected Market

It's the weakest economic recovery on record, yet stocks keep rising and rising. What's the deal?

See the Value of Emerging Markets

As the major domestic indices continue to rise and the emerging markets decline, go for the bargain that will add diversification to your portfolio.

Don’t Be Swayed by Earnings Fluctuations

If you're a retirement-minded investor, don't react willy-nilly to earnings reports. Look to the long-term with these two tech names.

Hedge Rising Interest Rates With TBT

The recent pullback in Treasury yields might have created a decent entry point for this leveraged ETF, which can help you to hedge against rising interest rates.

What Still Works on Wall Street — and What Doesn’t

Fads come and go, but these four commonsense tips have stood the test of time. Learn how to keep your portfolio strong for the long haul.

Got a Big Winner? Great — Now Don’t Screw It Up

Some financial advice to my son last September has me rethinking long-term strategies for young investors. Here are some tips to avoid my mistakes.

6 Reasons Most Dividend Investors Never Succeed

Buying dividend stocks and watching them throw off cash takes investing discipline. Here are 6 reasons retirement investors fail in the effort

Dividend Investing: A Perfect Strategy for Young Investors

It's simple: Investing in high-quality dividend stocks is the best way anyone can start to save for retirement.

You Can Do This Investing Stuff!

Don't panic! Getting your feet wet in the investing world really isn't as intimidating as you think, and looking for a little help isn't an admittance of failure.

4 Father’s Day Retirement Tips for Your Kids

In exchange for the shirt or tie you're about to get for Father's Day, give your children some advice they can use for the next 30 to 40 years.