ETF Investing

Exchange-traded funds, like mutual funds, aren’t always appreciated… but ETFs can be the strongest investments in your portfolio. ETFs are essentially baskets of stocks, in which you buy yourself exposure to a number of sectors, industries and trends. These can be traditional in nature, with steady dividend payments, or more aggressive, with exposure to hot trends like marijuana. Either way, our analysts have covered it here.

Solar ETF Funds are Shining Bright

The performance has been stellar in many of the key solar stocks out there over the last two months. A rising stock market and higher oil tends to help. Many companies are raising guidance or are calming fears that margin compression is escalating and that orders are dropping.

Jobs Report Shows Recession Goes On

September was the 15th month during the Obama administration with the unemployment rate at or above 9.5%.  The underemployment rate, which includes forced part-time and some…

Taiwan is at Fresh 52-Week Highs

With Taiwan at fresh 52-week highs, here's a look at what's propelling Taiwan and Hong Kong ETFs.

Create A ‘Permanent Portfolio’ with ETFs

You can replicate the Permanent Portfolio strategy -- but with lower costs -- by using ETFs.

This Week’s ETF Top Buys

Our weekly Top ETF Buys beat the market by a wide margin last week as stocks rallied nicely.

Is the Gold Trade Over?

Gold prices fell from record highs and many technicians see a pullback coming, but traders should be taking advantage of gold ETF SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD).

The Pros and Cons of Commission-Free ETF Trades

Over the past several months, major brokerage firms have made aggressive offers to lure ETF investors into their folds. But should you bite?

BlackRock Introduces New Single-Country Emerging Markets ETFs

The new emerging markets ETFs from BlackRock focus on small cap stocks in Brazil, China and the Philippines.

Top ETFs to Buy This Week

The best ETFs to buy this week include GLD, IWM, XME, DLN, DIA.

Singapore ETF Surging on Emerging Markets’ Strength

Known officially as the Government of Singapore Investment Corp., or GIC, this fund is basically the private fund manager of a country that rose out of the ashes of World War II to become one of the wealthiest countries, per capita, in the world.

Quit Chasing Gold and Buy This ETF

There are much better short-term opportunities than gold right now.

Bag a Quick Profit With SSG

With new signals that the overall market is due for a pullback, this could be the ideal time for a fast trade in the ProShares UltraShort Semiconductors ETF (NYSE: SSG).

Time to Sell Bonds and Bond Funds?

The bond market is overheated and investors may want to reconsider their strategies and re-balance portfolios.

Claymore ETFs Renamed Guggenheim

The Claymore ETFs have been rebranded Guggenheim ETFs, affecting 32 exchange-traded funds.

Get Out of This ETF NOW!

With the major indices at resistance, it is time for traders to cash in their profits in the Direxion Daily Large Cap Bull 3X Shares (NYSE: BGU).

PIMCO and Vanguard Offer New ETFs

PIMCO and Vanguard are offering new ETFs covering small caps and bonds

Triple Your Leverage Against the Financials

The leveraged Direxion Daily Financial Bear 3X Shares (NYSE: FAZ) looks to be a good short-term trade here.

Keep An Eye On the Junk-Treasury Spread

The spread between high-yield bonds and Treasury bonds is narrowing. It's an indicator of whether too much liquidity in the financial system could risk another credit crisis.

Which Indexing Strategy is Right for You?

The ETF fund marketplace is dominated by funds linked to indexes using traditionally constructed benchmarks or alternative methods. We look for the best of three main indexing strategies.