Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are necessary investments for investors both young and old. They provide essential diversification and can strengthen your returns over the long-term. But there are too many funds for any single investor to sift through. Luckily, our analysts give you the inside track on funds with the smallest minimal investments and funds that charge low fees, so you can maximize your performance.

Vanguard’s Managed Payout Funds Not Living Up to Their Promise

Mutual fund investors aren't buying into Vanguard's Managed Payout fund concept, and with good reason. These funds have a lot working against them.

Do You Own Vanguard’s 3 Worst Mutual Funds?

If you own one of Vanguard's three worst mutual funds, you need to sell them now. If not, you want to be sure you don't ever get lured into any one of them.

Time to Give Up on Those Low-Yielding Money Market Funds?

Money market fund yields are low and likely headed lower before year-end. But before you panic or make a bad move based on incomplete and rapidly changing data, you need to read this.

Vanguard to Offer New Bond Index Funds

Here's a closer look at Vanguard's seven new bond index funds and what they could offer your portfolio.

The Best Vanguard Funds for Your 401(k)

If your retirement nest egg sits with Vanguard, you potentially have access to a lot of great funds without leaving the Vanguard family. Here are my top picks.

The Growth Fund You’ve Always Wanted To Own But Couldn’t

I call this growth fund a "secret" fund because it's not even a Vanguard fund. But it could be, because it's practically identical to three of Vanguard's very best funds. And instead of the 1%, 1-year back-end load on Vanguard's funds, it's only got a two-month required holding period. But who cares? This fund's a long-term keeper.

Don’t Kill the 401(k) Just Yet

It's no joke that many have lost a significant portion of their retirement savings in the last year, as those in the media and financial world are questioning the value of these savings vehicles. But while everyone is lamenting the market drop and wondering whether investors will be able to "make up" their losses in time, one major point is being overlooked.

Taxable Bonds: The New Dividend Play

Investment-grade bond yields are the new dividends, and investors can make good money taking a modicum of risk today. Keep reading to learn the names of two funds to buy and one investment to avoid.

Roth IRAs: Put Your Teen on the Retirement Fast-Track

The thought of setting aside money for your child or grandchild's retirement may seem absurd, but the truth is there's no better time than now to put them ahead of the game -- and no better savings vehicle for it than a Roth IRA. Learn how this important and timely action could be the smartest move you make this year.

Do NOT Buy Vanguard’s Top Fund of 2008

Vanguard has a tiny fund that returned 55% last year. But it doesn't look like 2009 will bring anywhere close to the 55% profit it saw in 2008. And investors who chase this fund's performance are going to get hammered. Get complete details, including the name of this fund to avoid, here.

Vanguard’s 6 Riskiest Funds

If you own any Vanguard funds, please read this carefully. Several of Vanguard's biggest, most popular funds are among the most vulnerable you can own now. Sell these funds NOW. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now, today.

How Much Can Your Mutual Funds Lose?

Forget all that Greek-alphabet-soup mumbo-jumbo about betas and gammas and deltas and the like. When it comes to risk, what really matters is how much money your investments might lose. My measure of Maximum Cumulative Loss, or MCL, does just that.

What’s In Store for Vanguard Investors in 2009?

Lost in the tumult and volatility of the 2008 financial meltdown was the fact that Vanguard made a number of intriguing changes -- from the very top of the company to individual fund managers to the addition of new funds. So what does this mean for Vanguard investors as we head into 2009? Find out here.

Outsmart Uncle Sam This Tax Season

Making changes to your investment portfolio simply for tax purposes is never a simple decision. That being said, it would be a shame to end a year that will give us portfolio losses and also end up paying taxes on funds' year-end distributions without trying to at least minimize the impact. Find out how to keep the tax man's hands out of your portfolio.

7 Reasons Not to Sell Now

We are working through an extraordinary moment in financial markets. But nervous sellers are tossing out their babies with the bathwater. Don't be one of them -- you can't time the stock market. When stocks snap back, they will snap back with a fury.

Windsor’s New Captain

A longtime member of the Windsor (VWNDX) and value investing team at Wellington Management's Radnor offices, James Mordy, 50, feels it's his job, and that of his team, to "turn around" the performance of the fund. After more than two decades of being a member of the team, he's energized to be the trigger-pulling portfolio manager. And with the majority of Windsor's $17 billion in assets under his control, Mordy knows what's expected of him.

The Search for Income

And I believe one effect of the wave of retiring boomers will be an increasing demand for yield-bearing assets. For some, the desire will be to live off their portfolios' income. Others, less willing to accept the volatility of the stock market, will begin searching for investments that lower the risk in their portfolios.

Is Your Vanguard Mutual Fund Portfolio Truly Diversified?

With thousands of mutual funds in existence and over 100 each at a single fund family like Vanguard, Fidelity, or T. Rowe Price, you can bet there's a lot of overlap in strategies and stocks. So, how can you tell if your portfolio of funds is truly diversified?

Mutual Fund Investing: Tech Winter

Now that summer is officially over, it's time to look ahead and fall into profits. Historically, from the end of October to the end of February, tech stocks tend to outperform the overall stock market. This phenomenon is something I call "Tech Winter." You can think of it as the prime time to overweight tech in your mutual fun portfolio.