Calls, Puts & Options Trades

How to Ride Mylan’s Steady Rise

A covered call strategy is perfect for this tortoise of a stock. The generic-drug maker is creeping to new highs without much overhead resistance.

3 Companies to Profit From the Coming Manufacturing Boom

The U.S. is once again leading the way in "making things", and the way to play for profit is to get ahead of the curve in gas and steel plays

Print Profits with 3-D Systems

These red-hot names have come back to earth a bit, but implied volatility is still high. The options world opens up plenty of possibilities -- here's what I'm looking at.

Options for a Housing Recovery

It's hard to guess how much the homebuilding sector is recovering, and how much gas is left in the tank. If you want to play the sector, use options.

Game the Dollar’s Demise With Oil Puts

The chart for the U.S. dollar is looking gloomier, but rather than play the currency, try this options play on oil instead.

Valero Should Keep Gushing Higher

Refiner Valero Energy expectedly gapped up after its blowout earnings report last week. Those bullish about a continued push upward should consider this options trade.

All-Time Highs for Google — And a Fire Sale on Options

The implied volatility for Google is cheap relative both to its historical range and even its recent vol. Here are a couple options plays that look good as a result.

A One-Week Winner in AAPL

Who knows where AAPL stock will be in a year ... and who cares? This weekly options trade will profit if Apple shows a little sturdiness through next Friday.

GDP Sinks, Gold Soars, and Opportunity Knocks

'Safe-haven' investments are soaring today on a poor Q4 GDP figure. Here are two options spreads that offer positional plays on the yellow metal.

A Cautious Trade for PulteGroup’s Earnings

PulteGroup could follow in the footsteps of D.R. Horton and other homebuilders by rocketing after earnings. Cautious bulls should consider this options spread.

Options for the Precious Metals Conundrum

Trading the precious metals can be a dangerous game. So, is there a way to profit? Well, you could start by giving these options a try.

Score with Soaring Yields

If you think bond prices will continue falling (thus pushing yields higher), then consider selling puts on the Proshares Ultrashort 20+ Year Treasury Fund.

Why I Bought Puts on Hewlett-Packard

Hewlett-Packard has surged since November, but the stock looks set to underperform no matter which direction the market goes from here. Find out how to trade the next downleg in HPQ.

Starbucks Still a Hot Commodity

Starbucks' most recent earnings once again showed how its coffees still are a "must" despite the expense. Play continued bullishness through call options.

Use Options to Play RIM’s BB10 Launch

RIMM stock is in a crucible ahead of its make-or-break release next week -- here are a couple of options spreads that limit risk while still getting you directional exposure.

Options for 3 Overvalued Fad Stocks

These three stocks are destined to crater some day -- but since we don't know when, long-term puts provide a way to play these possible apocalyptic scenarios.

An Options-Centric View of Apple Earnings

A look into the implied volatility of Apple options heading into its big earnings report reveals a pair of potential options trades.

Make Money With Goldman Sachs

With the Wall Street giant back to raking it in again, buying long calls gives you a good way to ride its run-up, which looks go keep going.

Take Flight With an Iron Condor on Gold

This trade sounds daunting, but it's really just two credit spreads. And if the GLD stays within its recent range, it could pay off nicely.