Calls, Puts & Options Trades

A Pretty, Simple Options Trade

Things are looking pretty positive for cosmetic stock Estee Lauder (EL). Use this simple bullish options trade to capitalize.

Time to Sail on Carnival Options?

Given the cruise operator's history of beating estimates, a bull call spread is a way to play an upside earnings report coming on Tuesday.

We’ve Got a Golden Cross — Literally

The "golden cross" has shown up in gold, setting the bugs abuzz. It hasn't happened often, but when it has, profitable trades have folowed.

Wade Into a Choppier China With Options

China's caught between nagging economic issues and promising stimulus measures. Reduce your risk by making Chinese bets through options trades.

Sell the Slippery Slide in Crude

Unsurprisingly, the slippery slide in crude has resulted in renewed demand for option contracts and driven implied volatility higher. Look to sell USO options.

Will XLF Reap the Fed’s QE3 Bounty?

At least in the short term, QE3 should give financials a helping hand. Here's an options play on the XLF ETF for the next one to two months.

Can You Catch the Google Butterfly?

While everyone flutters about AAPL $700, don't forget that GOOG is nearing all-time highs, too. Cautiously bullish Googlers should consider this options trade.

An Options Trade Seated in Pure Logic

Cirrus Logic is positioned nicely to continue its ride upon Apple's tailwind. Position yourself for profits through this covered call trade.

Exploit High Volatility Before the Earnings Boogieman Comes

Rather than trying to pinpoint a direction on Riverbed Technology, a volatility trade might be a better alternative. Here's how to attack.

Play a Snap-Back in Small Caps

With the market gods still smiling on the bulls, pullbacks should be viewed as buyable events. One way to profit is through this options trade on small caps.

Look at the Bright Side of Adobe Pessimism

Analysts and traders both seem bearish heading into Adobe's Q3 earnings report, but that actually could be a bullish indicator. Try this spread play to profit.

Profit From the Retiree Rocket

There are lots of ways to play the baby boomer market, but health care is among the best. Consider this options trade on Medtronic.

Breaker, Breaker: Communication Stocks Calling for Near-Term Runs

After hitting 52-week highs, there's room for Harris (HRS) to run; November calls offer the chance for a quick hit.

Bet on Alpha Natural’s Heater

Coal has been bad business now for quite some time, but help from the Fed and other sources could change that. Go bullish with this options trade on ANR.

How Wicked is the Quadruple Witching?

Friday is a quadruple witching expiration day, where we'll see stock options, index options, index futures and single stock futures expire. Should you be scared?

Banks Back in Action, Thanks to the Fed

Several banks are now seen as "powerhouses," and BAC in particular offers a short-term chance to double your money with cheap call options.

Netflix Dropping Like a Ton of Bricks

There's little downside protection for Netflix if the S&P corrects, and the company itself isn't set up for short-term success. Short the stock or play puts.

Trapped in Apple? Protect Downside With Options ‘Insurance’

If you're mostly bullish on Apple but have a couple nagging concerns, don't sell your shares -- try buying put options as "insurance" of sorts instead.

A Power Play on American Electric Power

Now that summer is almost over, it’s fun to look back and reflect on some things that happened. The market as a whole was generally…