Calls, Puts & Options Trades

3 Option Strategies for Dow Earnings

Reviewing the backdrop of Dow industrial stocks (and considering potential options strategies) ahead of their earnings reports.

3 Tasty Pre-Earnings Options Strategies

Consider these limited-reward, limited-risk option trading ideas ahead of earnings.

One Way to Trade Apple (AAPL) Ahead of Earnings

Consider a May bull put spread to capture premium in Apple ahead of its highly anticipated earnings announcement.

Under Armour Earnings Beat Spurs Breakout

Under Armour volatility collapses after earnings, making option buying a more attractive strategy.

A Post-Earnings Trade Idea on M&T Bank

MTB issued positive earnings and looks strong from a technical perspective, making the stock a long-call candidate.

Chipotle Rewards Volatility Sellers

Chipotle falls after earnings, but not as much as options prices were predicting.

Curb the High Cost of Child-Rearing with these Call Trades

Try to make back a little of the money spent raising a child with long calls on these baby-friendly companies.

What’s the Deal With Safeway Options Activity?

Options volume has surged in Safeway as speculative traders attempt to buy in before the company's next strategic announcement.

A Bullish Trading Idea on Lowe’s Companies

Lowe's has a strong fundamental and technical backdrop, making it a solid covered call candidate.

3 Dow Industrial Earnings Plays

Consider these option trading ideas on three blue-chip names before they report earnings this week.

Stuck In the Middle with Your Portfolio? Consider Options.

Options strategies can be profitable even while the broad market treads water.

Apache Trading at a Sizable Discount to its Peers

Apache has found technical support amid a strong fundamental backdrop, and there are option strategies that can help traders benefit.

After Google Splits, What Options Do You Have?

Even after Google splits, it will be pretty expensive. But long options and option spread are a more affordable way to trade the stock.

Options Traders Can Squeeze More Juice Out of Apple

Apple could hit $1,200 in the next 1-3 years. Before that happens, however, consider income-generating strategies with weekly options.

How to Trade Chipotle Volatility Ahead of Earnings

Volatility sellers have profited following many past Chipotle earnings, but selling strangles assumes unlimited risk.

Options Plays If Starbucks Cools Off

Using $57 as a target price and the July 20 expiration, here are some strategies to consider.

A Long Call That Makes Sense

InvenSense is at an attractive buying level -- take advantage of a bullish outlook for INVN by ringing up long calls.

Rolling Up a Bearish Bet on Bonds

Option traders sitting with a loss on their bear call spread can try shifting the trade to higher strikes.

Play the Selling Sequel with Call Spreads

Traders expecting continued broad-market lethargy could consider a limited risk, limited reward options spread strategy.