Legendary Trader: “Buy These Three Stocks Before this September Event”

Luke Lango believes an event scheduled for mid-September is set to trigger a massive market shock, potentially defining the winners and losers for the rest of the year.  

Wed, September 11 at 8:00PM ET

Calls, Puts & Options Trades

March Madness – 10 NCAA Tournament Stocks to Trade

Even with the recent market rally, no one can argue that it's been a tough season for stocks. But there are several stocks that are playing well.

10 Stocks ‘On the Bubble’ to Trade

Trade with the momentum created by a bubble -– either on the long side in a company that was blown up, for no reason, with the bubble or on the short side against a company yet to crater because of the bursting of a bubble.

5 Short-Side Investment Rules

What are the five rules for constructing great short-side positions? Read on to find out.

12 Unbeatable Trades at Sale Prices

OptionsZone experts offer up some of the best deals they see in the stock market right now.

Should You Trade Commodities or Commodity Stocks?

Expert discusses which vehicle is better for the trader looking to get exposure to commodities.

Super Bowl ‘Smash-It-Up’ Trades

The Big Game inspires the OptionsZone team to reveal their best picks to help you score big profits in your portfolio.

12 Keys to Trading Earnings for Profits

There are few constants in the market and even fewer things you can rely on. Everyone searches for those constants, those reliable indicators that provide an edge.

Nine Winning Trades For 2009

The good news is options are still one of the best ways to gain outsized performance in this coming trader's market with low risk in a stagnant market that we see ahead in 2009.

5 Red-Hot Trading Strategies

These year-end trading strategies will let you traders out there play this crazy market volatility as this wild year comes to an close.

The Way to Trade This Volatile Market

Buy-and-holding investing isn't working, and day trading in this market will likely lead to an aneurism. But trading intermediate trends can be predictable and profitable.

How to Trade Fed Funds Futures

Buying and selling futures based on the Fed funds rate is a great way for traders to hedge interest rate risk and future changes in that rate.

Are Single Stock Futures a Better Hedge for Options Traders?

Explore another option to hedge with stock futures.

Where Has All the Money Gone?

With money market accounts losing funds at such a rapid rate, U.S. corporations are finding it increasingly difficult to fund their short-term capital needs.

Using Credit-Default Swaps in Your Options Trading

Just like you can use put options to 'insure' your portfolio, credit-default swaps also fall under the 'derivatives' umbrella. Learn more about the CDS market here.

‘Spread’ Your Wings

If you are familiar with buying calls and puts, we'll show you how to buy them even cheaper.

Trading Tactics for the Short Side

Michael Shulman discusses four trading tactics you'd better know and understand before going short with put options.

Make Big Money in Underpriced Options

Inexpensive options allow you to maximize your profit potential. Learn about the benefits of underpriced options and how to find them.