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Options 101
Writing Put Options – How to Buy Stocks at a Discount by Writing Put Options
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
Option traders have the upper hand in buying discounted stocks by selling put options. Here's how it works.
Market Analysis – Time for Traders to Exit the Market
Jim Woods, Editor-in-Chief, Successful Investing, Intelligence Report, Bullseye Stock Trader
Traders should exit positions and build cash, while longer-term investors should pare back on non-performers. And everyone should prepare to buy into the decline, which most likely will not last long.
Binary Options: An Investment to Avoid (For Now)
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
Trading with binary options is an all-or-nothing investment, and one that many investors aren't ready for. This simple case study explains how they work.
Options Trading – The Secret to Market-Beating Returns
Chris Rowe
As the economy works out some very serious long-term problems, the stock market, while it will encounter spikes and drops, might just end up in the same long-term range for quite some time. But that doesn't mean you can't profit.
Married Puts – How to Buy Insurance on Your Stocks
Josip Causic
You can protect your long stock positions with options. Find out how a married put strategy functions like insurance for your portfolio.
Exiting a Trade – Plan Your Exits Before You Make the Trade
Josip Causic
Increase your chances of success and limit your losses by determining multiple exit strategies prior to entering a trade.
What is Options Delta? Part V
Chris Rowe
Learn how to lock in profits when you find yourself in a winning trade that you're not ready to exit.
What is Options Delta? Part IV
Take on a fraction of the risk that the stock/ETF trader takes on while positioning yourself to realize the same (or a much larger) profit by picking the right option.
How GLD Can Protect Your Portfolio Against Inflation
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
While gold is an ideal hedge against inflation, investing in the actual spot commodity or speculating in the futures market can be expensive for most individual traders. Now there's a simpler way to invest in gold.
Options: What Your Broker Doesn’t Want You to Know
Chris Rowe
Brokers and money managers will usually try to discourage you from trading options by saying they are risky or that you don't qualify to trade them. But after reading this, I guarantee you'll never want to trade a stock or ETF again.
3 Options Trades You’ll Get Paid to Make
Bryan Perry
Did you know you can get paid to trade options? Check out these three income-generating options trades.
Symmetrical Triangle Chart Pattern: How to Profit From This Explosive Chart Formation
Chris Rowe
I want to share a chart pattern that is easy to identify and profit from, because this information has made me millions.
ETFs vs. ETNs: Which is Better?
Wade Hansen, Editor, Strategic Trader
Which type of fund is ideal for diversifying your portfolio? Find out in this one-on-one comparison.
What is Options Delta? Part III
Chris Rowe
Understanding delta could mean the difference between trading the right option contract or exposing yourself to unnecessary risk.
What is Options Delta? Part II: Turn Your Deltas Into Dollars
Chris Rowe
Learn how to use delta to pick options that offer the most gain when a trade goes in your favor and the least amount of risk if things don't go your way.
Put Options – What is a Put Option?
Puts options make it is possible to invest and benefit from declines in the stock market or in individual stocks.
What is Options Delta?
Chris Rowe
Gaining an understanding of delta changed my trading life forever. I promise that this four-part series will be one of the most important and influential investing lessons you've ever had.
Portfolio Diversification – Building a Diversified Portfolio
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
Diversification is the only free lunch in the market. It comes with benefits and no disadvantages.
Selling Forex Options: Trading Where You Think Prices Won’t Go
John Jagerson, Editor, Strategic Trader
Learn the basic ideas behind selling a forex option and how it can work to your advantage in a channeling market.