Join Us March 13th @ 1 pm ET BEFORE Nvidia’s “Q-Day”

In 2016 Louis Navellier made a big prediction regarding Nvidia’s GPUs... It went up more than 7,000% at its peak. Don’t miss Louis NEXT Nvidia call. (Plus 6 stocks you need to own before March 20th.)

Thu, March 13 at 12:00PM ET

Options 101

A Day Late and $2 Trillion ‘Short’

The move to stop short selling in the financials was like closing the barn door after the horses escaped.

Short Ban Bandages Bullet Wounds

The government banned shorting as a way of keep the perceived 'bullies' from stealing the little guy's lunch money. But what they've done only removed the teachers from the school.

The Fed Will Drown Swimming Against the Tide

Whenever the Fed takes on the financial markets, it usually loses.

Go Long or Stay Short — Just Stay Invested During Volatile Market Times!

Hanging on during a wild roller-coaster ride of market volatility takes research and thought. But the payoff can be exciting.

How Stock Splits Impact Options

Stock splits can happen for a variety of reasons, but even if you're only trading the options, you're still impacted by any changes that happen in the underlying shares. There's no reason to panic, but it's good to know what could be on the horizon for some of your investments.

The Thrill of Expiring Options

A diligent trader can make big money buying expiring options. But you have to be ready to move quickly.

The Fannie, Freddie Takeover and You

Just like Jamie Spears' conservatorship over Britney, the government is babysitting its own problem children ... at your expense.

Predicting the Volatility of Volatility

Randy Frederick discusses how to use volatility and the VIX in options trading.

3 Ways to Frugally Fly the More-Expensive Skies

Keith Fitz-Gerald shares tips to save some green when flying the blue.

Make Great Expiration Day Trades

The third Friday of every month holds plenty of opportunity for savvy options traders.

Covered Calls and Covered Puts – Managing Risk Using Options

Even the best traders make bad trades, but managing risk helps them survive to trade another day. Learn how to minimize losses with covered calls and puts.

Putting Options to Work

Once you have a grasp of the basics, it's time to put some simple options strategies to work. Randy Frederick covers how to use long and short calls and puts.

Selecting Your Strike Price

Deciding which strike prices to use can be difficult. Randy Frederick explains how to choose strike prices according to you level of bullishness or bearishness.

Top 7 Reasons to Trade Options

Some investors shy away from trading options, but John Lansing lists seven reasons you should consider using these powerful tools.

Know Your Enemies

John Lansing explains the biggest risks you must understand before you trade options.

Options 101

John Lansing covers the basics you need to know when it comes to trading calls and puts.

Make Big Profits in a Small World

There are plenty of opportunities in domestic markets that allow us as options traders to take advantage of booming economies and bright sectors abroad.

Bank Big Bucks on ‘Worthless’ Options

Once you've mastered this strategy, you'll never go back to buying options again!

Another Reason to Trade Options

So far this year, there have been nine bank failures and, because no advance notice is given to the public, this could happen to your bank overnight.