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Options 101
Chart Pattern Recognition
John Lansing
Technical analysis helps us distinguish between what is real and what we think is real.
Get Paid to Trade Options
This isn't our parents' stock market, thanks to the explosion of the derivatives markets during the past few decades that we can use to our advantage!
Trade Options for Income
Bryan Perry
This isn't our parents' stock market, thanks to the explosion of the derivatives markets during the past few decades that we can use to our advantage!
Find Bottoms the ‘Trendy’ Way
John Lansing
Use your head ... and shoulders to reap big profits. John Lansing shows you the basics of this technique.
U.S. Markets, Dollar Showing Olympic ‘Mettle’
Like the Olympics, you can get the equivalent of gold-medal options trades (i.e., the triple-digit winners), the silver-medal trades (where you double your money) and the bronze-medal trades (where you still bank a nice gain) for your efforts.
Trading Options for Retirement — Part Two
Covered and Collar calls are two of the three strategies Randy Frederick discusses when it comes to trading options for retirement.
The Credit Crisis Hasn’t Hit Bottom
Keith Fitz-Gerald identifies the three signs that signal we're not through with the credit crunch.
Is the Market Reversing?
Chris Rowe
More and more stocks are moving to buy signals. This means the latest trend is that more and more stocks are able to break through levels of recent resistance.
3 Ways to ‘Drive’ Your Options Trading Returns
Ken Trester
If you find that a trade turns out to be a lemon, you can sell it back to its owner and test-drive something different that can turn out to be a much better investment!
Learn to Speak ‘Greek’
How is the true price of an option determined? Don't let it all be 'Greek' to you. We'll show you how four fraternity brothers work together to create a party in your portfolio.
Political Gridlock Can Lead to Gains
Contentiousness on Captiol Hill is actually a reality that puts investors at ease and permits the financial markets to operate efficiently.
Bypass the ‘Bear’ Trap
Adam Warner
The best part of doing your homework and picking the names with the best potential is that, if any of them don't live up to your expectations, you can cut them loose.
Success With Naked Puts
Chris Rowe
Did you know that selling puts without owning the underlying shares can actually be less risky than owning the stock? Read on to find out how you can trade 'naked' for profits.
Make Big Profits During Bad Times
Michael Shulman, Editor, Options Income Blueprint
Playing the short side with puts is an exciting adventure that is actually independent of how the market performs, as we've made short-side profits on days that the Dow jumped 200 points.
Trading Full of Window-Dressing, ‘Confessing’
We're entering into something that's known as 'confession season,' when companies finally admit that not only will their numbers miss expectations for the current quarter, but also that their estimates for the full year are also too high.
3 Benefits of Buying In-the-Money Call Options
Chris Rowe
Want to own the profits, but not the stock? Here's how.
Create Options ‘Basket’ Profits
Adam Warner
Basket trades are an amazing way to make profits, whether you're a swing trader going for the quick gains or an options trader looking to leverage those moves for up to 10 times the gains.
Play it Safer With Put Options
Chris Rowe
Scratching your head when it comes to puts? Let Chris Rowe share his safety rules to live by.
A New Way to Get an Options Trading ‘Fix’
Your odds are 50/50 of being spot-on with Fixed-Rate Options. All you need to do is place your bets on red or black and then see where the ball stops on the wheel.