Options 101

Cheap VIX and Moribund SPY Could Bounce

The VIX and its 10-Day realized volatility are both low but they could soon bounce higher.

VIX Says, ‘Blah Humbug!’

Sentiment is complacent on the VIX into March

What’s to Blame for the Low VIX?

Correlation is down as investors grow complacent.

A Cheaper Way to Buy GLD

Selling cash-secured naked puts on the SPDR Gold Shares (NYSE: GLD) is an options strategy traders can use to take advantage of a pullback in gold prices.

4 Reasons to Trade ETF Options

Learn the advantages of trading options on exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Do VIX ETNs Make Good Portfolio Hedges?

I typically complain about VXX and VXZ, but they can be useful hedges with certain options strategies.

When to Exercise an Option

Options expert explains when it makes sense (and money) to utilize your right to exercise an option.

Top 7 Reasons to Trade Options

Some investors shy away from trading options, but here are seven reasons you should consider using these powerful tools.

10 Busted Myths of Options Trading

Options trading is for suckers -- really rich ones! We picked the brains of the CEOs from the top options trading firms and uncovered 10 myths that we've declared "busted!"

6 Options Trading Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding these common options trading mistakes will save you time, money and frustration.

10 Secrets of Successful Options Traders

Take our investing quiz now to see how in tune you are with your fellow options traders.

Is It a Good Time to Buy Options?

With the VIX at post-flash-crash levels, options appear cheap, but are they really?

Put and Call Writing Explained

This introduction to writing calls and puts will show you how to sell puts to enter into a long stock position and use covered calls to collect 'rent' on the stocks in your portfolio.

VIX-apalooza – 8 VIX ETNs Debut

There are now even more ways to trade volatility, but do we really need them?

Using Implied Volatility to Select the Right Option

Find out how to use implied volatility to determine whether an option's premium is overpriced or undervalued.

AAPL Contrarian Options Trade Pays Big

Find out why options are a contrarian trader's best friend.

VIX Shows Stocks, Options About to Enter Turkey Coma

Traders are likely to continue lowering their bids/offers as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday.

When to Exit an Options Trade

Knowing when to exit an options trade is the most difficult part of trading. I'll help you to understand 'when to hold 'em' and 'when to fold 'em.'

5 Things to Watch Going Into Expiration

There are certain situations that can amplify or crush the value of your option positions as expiration Friday approaches.