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Options 101
VIX Sending Mixed Signals
Chris Rowe
If you're trying to predict the market's next move with the VIX, you'll need a little help from some other indicators.
Your Guide to Hedging With the VIX
Adam Warner
There are many ways to hedge with the VIX depending on your time frame.
What’s a Record-Breaking VIX Mean for You?
Adam Warner
The VIX rallied 14.5% last month, marking the largest August spike since 2001.
How to Pick the Right Strike Price
Find out how to greatly increase your odds of success by choosing the right options to trade.
An Options Strategy That Beats Dividends
Ron Ianieri
Learn a better way to generate income than buying dividend stocks.
A Market Hedge You Want to Avoid
Adam Warner
Find out why VIX product VXZ does not make a good market hedge, especially in the current environment.
3 Factors That Affect an Option’s Price
While the price of an option is influenced by many factors, 90% of it is based on three things.
How to Get Options Orders Filled Sooner
Find out why other people's orders may get executed ahead of yours.
Fear and Loathing in the VIX
Adam Warner
Fear is excessive and overpriced here, but not entirely unwarranted.
What Makes the Latest VIX Product Different
Adam Warner
Most VIX products have a fatal flaw that makes long-term holding dangerous, but the new inverse VIX ETN may be different.
Friday’s Sell-Off a Prelude of Declines to Come
Ron Ianieri
The bulls have used previous earnings seasons as launching pads for this rally since 6,500 on the Dow. Could this earnings season be different?
2 New Ways to Trade Volatility
Adam Warner
If you want to trade volatility, you could use VIX options, but there are now two better ways.
How to Trade Volatility in This Market
Adam Warner
When we're seeing complacency and abject fear at the same time, traders may have to alter their approach.
Stock Trading Tools: 5 Ways Twitter Can Make You a Better Trader
Twitter is an invaluable tool for investors and option traders. Learn how you can use Twitter to your advantage.
4 Tips for Surviving This Volatile Market
Adam Warner
Volatility has surged back into the markets. Find out how to survive and profit in this environment.
7 Tips for Trading Options Like a Long-term Investor
Michael Shulman, Editor, Options Income Blueprint
Options can be effectively used by longer-term investors to gain leverage that simply going long a stock does not afford.
Do You Know Squat About VXX?
Adam Warner
If you think the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (NYSE: VXX) mirrors the VIX, you're mistaken.
Can the Government Manipulate the VIX?
Adam Warner
Find out how the government, or anyone for that matter, can manipulate the VIX.