Editor’s Note: On Tuesday, September 24, at 8 p.m. Eastern time, my InvestorPlace colleague Eric Fry and a special guest of his are going to sit down to talk about the chaos in the markets we’ve been seeing ever since 2020… and how to prepare for even more chaos to come.
Several headwinds are all converging in the markets at once, and they will drastically impact the share price of virtually every stock in the coming weeks. Eric’s special guest is convinced this major event is coming due to a set of alerts he’s receiving. At the event, he will further share how he gets these alerts… and how you can, too.
You can click here now to immediately reserve your spot.
To prepare for this event, Eric is joining us today to share the importance of understanding the state of the market right now. Take it away…
Hello, Reader.
If you’ve been an InvestorPlace reader for some time, you know I’ve gained a reputation for making timely market predictions.
Across my 30-year career, the bold calls I’ve made – from warning about the dot-come bubble before it burst to sounding the alarm on the 2022 tech crash months before – have given those who’ve followed them the chance to sidestep disaster, and then seize great investment opportunities – …
The kinds that have returned 1,000% or more.
I’m not here today, though, to talk about what I’ve done. Instead, I’m here to talk about why investors need to revise the way they invest. Why they need to put the power of technology on their side.
The reality is that many fail to maximize gains on their stocks, simply because they allow their emotions to get in the way. That kind of investing could become very costly in the months ahead.
We are on the precipice of a series of huge, market-changing events: recession rumors, one of the most contentious presidential elections in U.S. history, the staggering cost of living, and more. It’s all a perfect storm for a tumultuous stock market.
However, this isn’t all doom and gloom. There is a way to emerge in a stronger financial position than you are today.
Before I explain what I mean, let me first illustrate with an example…
This Isn’t the Dukes of Hazzard
Imagine you get in your car and head to the supermarket. But after you get on the road and pick up speed, you go into a panic…
You just noticed there’s no brake pedal. You have no ability to stop or slow the vehicle.
That’s a recipe for disaster.
You’d never choose this scenario, right? That’d be crazy.
But believe it or not, this is similar to how many people manage their investment portfolios. They get into investments with a destination in mind… but no plan for how to arrive at their destination with their profits intact. You see, the decision to enter an investment or trade is just Step 1 of the process. I daresay that’s the easy part. The steps that follow, however, are even more important. Trade management can make the difference between generating large gains…or large losses.
So, What’s the Plan?
That’s why on Tuesday, September 24, at 8 p.m. Eastern time, I’m going live with some of the best tech minds in the business. In a special event we’re calling The Great 2024 Sell-Off, we will reveal what I believe to be one of the most critical trade-management tools out there. You can click here now to reserve your seat for that event.
And with what’s coming down the pike, it will pay to be a step ahead of the game.
At The Great 2024 Sell-Off event, we’ll show you how this technology can help you can squeeze out as much profit potential as possible in your current and future trades…
While also alerting you before the next big selloff occurs.
It all happens at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, September 24.
Please don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Click here now to immediately reserve your spot for the event.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Eric Fry
Editor, Smart Money