“If a fool would persist in his folly, he would be wise,” the British romantic poet William Blake once remarked.
Blake’s pithy observation applies equally to technological progress and investment success. In other words, many “foolish” ideas – and investments – become brilliant… eventually.
I have highlighted several fascinating examples of this in Fry’s Investment Report, including the first electric vehicle (more than 100 years ago) and early use of solar power (even longer ago). Both were huge flops at the time but are now megatrends changing the world.
This breed of foolishness also enabled the early days of commercial air travel. In 1895, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin patented his hydrogen-filled “airship” design. Fifteen years later, “zeppelin” airships would begin their first commercial flights. The initial routes transported passengers over short hops from Berlin to other German cities.
From that modest beginning, subsequent zeppelin designs increased in sophistication and size until they started flying longer distances… much longer distances.
But when one thinks zeppelin, one immediately thinks of the 804-foot-long airship, the LZ 129 Hindenburg, which crossed the Atlantic 17 times before its final flight ended tragically on May 6, 1937. On that date, the Hindenburg burst into flames while docking in Manchester Township, New Jersey. Thirty-five passengers perished… as did the entire commercial airship industry.
That spectacular disaster brought an immediate end to the era of hydrogen-oriented transport. The highly combustible Element No. 1 on the periodic table was simply too volatile for its own good.
In hindsight, the idea of transporting passengers beneath a gigantic balloon full of explosive gas seems as foolish as any idea ever imagined. The passenger cabin of the Hindenburg even included a “Smoking Lounge.”
But using hydrogen for lift is quite different than using it for propulsion. As a propellant – i.e., as a fuel – hydrogen has unique capabilities, which is why a new hydrogen era has arrived…
The Dept. of Energy Could 100X Your Money
The Department of Energy is boosting one little-known fuel with a historic cash injection. Goldman Sachs predicts this sector to grow 400-fold, and Yahoo Finance says it “could mint new billionaires.” A lot of the companies receiving these torrents of cash are tiny, but shares are set to soar just because of the subsidies they’ll receive. Here’s how to position yourself for maximum gains.
The Ultimate Carbon-Free Fuel
Eighty-six years after the Hindenburg, hydrogen is looking like a wise way to transition some modes of transportation away from fossil fuels.
For starters, hydrogen has the highest energy content of any fuel. By mass, it has nearly three times the energy content of gasoline.
Additionally, hydrogen is an ideal green fuel. When combusted, it does not release any of the toxic compounds that fossil fuels do. It releases harmless water vapor. Similarly, hydrogen produces zero harmful emissions when used electrochemically in a fuel cell.
Finally, a big part of hydrogen’s appeal is its squeaky-clean versatility. It is like the ideal party guest who gets along with everyone in the room.
Because of this key feature, private enterprises and governments are spending billions to advance this technology from theory to practice as quickly as possible.
New legislative initiatives in both the United States and Europe have changed the game completely for the green hydrogen industry. With the stroke of a political pen, green hydrogen has advanced from a kitschy clean-tech hobby to one of the most compelling technologies in the renewable energy industry.
To underscore the magnitude of this makeover, consider the massive benefits the new Inflation Reduction Act will bestow on the hydrogen industry.
According to new research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the tax credits and subsidies this act provides are so significant that they could reduce the cost of producing green hydrogen to zero… or even less than zero.
That’s a game changer.
I don’t care about the new act’s silly name, nor about the fact that it became law by way of a partisan, party-line vote. I only care that it may be supercharging a massive new investment opportunity.
As an investor, I never care what Democrats think, or what Republicans think. I only care about the opportunities they sometimes help create.
Hydrogen is one of them… maybe the biggest one ever.
That’s why I don’t care how much flak I get for backing a “green” or “ESG” industry.
I only follow the money…
This is what I do best — spot the most important macroeconomic trends of the day… and help folks take advantage of the massive gains to be made.
The Tiniest Hydrogen Projects Could Soar Within Weeks
The Department of Energy has recently released its “National Clean Hydrogen Strategy,” which earmarked $9.5 billion to boost companies specializing in hydrogen technology…
A lot of the companies receiving these torrents of cash are comparatively tiny. Their market caps are so small that they’re about to soar just because of the subsidies they’ll pocket.
That kind of value surge is like a tidal wave hitting a kayak. It’s insane momentum applied to something almost microscopic by comparison. And investors who position themselves BEFORE this giant wave hits could make massive gains within months or even weeks.
I went through the entire industry with a fine-tooth comb and identified five of the most promising candidates in this space… companies at the forefront of fuel cells, compressors, dispensers, turbines, and hydrolyzers…
Anything that’s required to get the $11 trillion hydrogen revolution off the ground.
I detail these stocks in my brand-new report called Five Explosive Microcaps For 10X Hydrogen Gains. You can get this, two more special reports, and the rest of the story about investing in green hydrogen for a limited time. Don’t be left behind when this rare investment tsunami hits – it stands to mint many more millionaires… and possibly some billionaires.