@TwitterFood to Serve Up Food-Related Tweets

Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) has launched a new place for people to talk about food at its “@TwitterFood” handle.

Source: ©iStock.com/seewhatmitchsee

@TwitterFood is an handle on Twitter that is dedicated to sharing food related content. This can include recipes, demos, pictures and more. The handle will also Retweet famous chefs that share information on the social media platform.

@TwitterFood has only recently launched. However, it already has close to 7,000 followers. The page shares information from Martha Stewart and also promotes shows from other users and chefs. Being that the account is new, there’s not much in the way of content at the moment.

@TwitterFood isn’t the social media company’s first attempt to create an official page to draw users with certain interest. It already has a sports page with the handle “@TwitterSports”, which has more than 5.7 million followers.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2015/04/twitterfood-twtr/.

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