Is the iPad Really a Convergence Device? New Owners Think So

When Apple Inc. (AAPL) CEO Steve Jobs took the stage in January with an iPad in hand, he declared that the device was the next generation in personal electronics, a “magical and revolutionary product” that would bring convergence between multiple devices. And according to a May survey by ChangeWave Research, that vision has proven to be a reality — at least among initial users.

Specifically, a May survey by ChangeWave of 3,174 consumers asked what it was about the device that enthralled prospective buyers most. The survey results showed no clear selling point but rather a combination of things.

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The top appeal was the iPad’s e-Reader functionality (15% of respondents), which tied with a general selling point of portability (also 15%). The next most popular reasons were size and weight (12%), access to the Internet (8%), ease of use (7%).

You may think there’s a lot of overlap in those answers, so let’s take a closer look at real-life applications. The ChangeWave survey also zeroed in on 153 new iPad owners to discover their actual impressions of the new tablet device.

From a list of eight possible iPad uses, surfing the Internet and checking email were the clear winners, with 83% of iPad owners reporting using the device to surf the web and 71% surveyed using the Apple gadget for email. That’s no surprise, since the device is most closely related to a laptop in the consumer electronics marketplace.

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But what may come as a surprise is the number of other uses iPad owners are getting out of the device. More than half (56%) report they are using Apps from the Apple Store, and nearly half (48%) say they are watching videos. One in three (33%) are reading eBooks and almost as many are using the iPad for gaming (29%) or reading periodicals like magazines and newspapers (28%). Each individual respondent was allowed to choose up to 5 uses.

Apple has proven itself time and time again, so there aren’t many who would dispute the capabilities of Steve Jobs and company. The May ChangeWave survey shows that new owners really do believe the Apple gadget is the multi-use device it has been billed as.

The complete ChangeWave Apple iPad report is available here.

As of this writing, Jeff Reeves did not own positions in any of the stocks named here.

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