Apple Inc. Rumors and AAPL Stock News – Google Android Browser Losing to iPad

Here’s the latest Apple Inc. rumors and news on AAPL stock as of Monday, July 5. After a long Independence Day weekend, it appears Apple is still causing some fireworks with its iPad as it fights Google Android for web browser dominance:

AAPL iPad Browser Surpasses GOOG Android: Apple is trouncing Google Inc. (GOOG) when it comes to who’s using whose browser, according to statistitics published by Net Applications late last week. Since the iPad’s April release, iPad Web browsing represents 0.17 of all Website browsing traffic. The iPad browser only represented 0.03 percent of all Web traffic when it first released. GOOG’s Android-powered devices are trailing behind, representing just 0.14 of all browser traffic even though Andorid devices have been on the market since October of 2008. Google should also be worried about another Apple web browser, namely the iPod touch browser. Even though Apple’s iPod line is on the decline after nearly a decade of pocket tech dominance, the media player’s web browser accounts of  0.12 of all Web browsing traffic.

Music Labels Leery of iTunes Cloud Streaming: Late last week, rumors about AAPL’s proposed cloud-based iTunes service started to percolate following posting on Boy Genius Report. Analysts have speculated that AAPL would shift to a streaming cloud model rather than the data-purchase model currently supported by the iTunes store after Apple acquired streaming music website Lala late last year. CNET’s Greg Sandoval now reports that music labels are still unwilling to sign on to Apple’s possible cloud-based iTunes: “While it’s hard to say what Boy Genius’ source meant by “soon” it’s worth noting that Apple has yet to obtain necessary licenses from the top four recording companies, according to multiple music industry insiders. They added that Apple has indeed engaged in discussions with the music labels but the record execs haven’t even seen all of the details yet. The way some at the major labels see the situation, Apple could enable iTunes users to stream songs from a home computer to other gadgets without requiring new negotiation, but for Apple to stream music from the company’s servers to computers and other gadgets, the labels would require CEO Steve Jobs to cut a new deal, the sources said.”

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