Apple Inc. (AAPL) Event Recap – iTunes 10, New iPods and Gaming Apps in Detail

Here is your daily Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) stock news for September 2. The Apple Inc. media event went off without a hitch yesterday as months of speculation, leaks, and rumors were largely proved true. New models for the full line of iPod media players were unveiled, including a retina display-equipped iPod Touch running on the iPhone 4’s A4 processor, a touch-screen iPod Nano, and a new 2GB iPod Shuffle that brings buttons back to he miniscule device.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs also announced the next version of its iTunes software and service, including the launch of a brand new social network for iTunes users. Also revealed was the much-rumored, cloud-based Apple TV. Finally, APPL stepped up their video game strategy with the announcement of the Game Center service.

iTunes 10 Launches With Social Network ‘Ping’: Steve Jobs announced the brand new iTunes 10 at yesterday’s media event in San Francisco. While the music software and service did not make the jump to cloud-based streaming that was expected after Apple’s acquisition of Lala, one rumor about Apple’s music business plans did come true: iTunes now sports its own social network. The network, called Ping, is “Facebook and Twitter meets iTunes” according to Jobs. iTunes users’ Ping profile will allow them to follow musical artists and link up with friends Ping accounts to see what they’re listening to. Ping will also, naturally, be supported by Apple’s full range of mobile devices, including the iPod Touch, the iPhone 4, and the iPad. In addition to Ping, iTunes 10 features some modest upgrades over past versions, including new graphical interfaces and album art support for single song downloads. One small but significant upgrade is that the iTunes logo will no longer consist of a musical note overlaying a CD. With iTunes music sales expected to finally outpace CD sales in early 2011, the new icon is an appropriate symbolic victory pose for the Cupertino, California company.

New iPod Touch With Retina Display Unveiled: After months of speculation about specifications, form factor and cameras, the new iPod Touch was unveiled yesterday. Many rumors about the device’s new features turned out to be true. The new iPod Touch includes both a camera on its face and an HD camera on the back of the device. It also, as expected, runs on the same A4 processor as the iPhone 4. The new processor and rear camera will allow the new iPod to run the iPhone 4’s iMovie application, letting users shoot and edit movies right on the handheld. Also true was the speculation that the new iPod Touch would support the popular video call application Face Time. The device’s 4X pixel, 24-bit color retina display allows the same quality video chat as the one on its smartphone cousin. The new portable media player will come in three models, an 8GB model at $229, a 32GB model at $299, and a 64GB model at $399.

Apple Emphasizes Video Gaming with New Game Center App: Amidst the hype surrounding Apple’s success in the music business at yesterday’s event, APPL CEO Steve Jobs also emphasized the company’s growing presence in the video game business. APPL’s presentation for the iPod Touch made boasts sure to please shareholders, particularly the claim that the device is “the number one portable game player” on the market, with 1.5 billion downloads of games and entertainment through the iTunes and App store. While the iPods penetration in the games space is impressive, it still doesn’t match the install base of the Nintendo (PINK: NTDOY) DS. Apple’s big gaming announcement was the new Game Center app for iOS devices. Game Center will act as an online gaming hub a la the Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) Xbox Live, letting iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch users play games online together as well as compare scores and achievements.

$99, Cloud-based Apple TV Revealed: While not the blow out reveal of a new technology tent pole that was expected, Apple did indeed unveil their refresh of the Apple TV at yesterday’s event. Many of the rumored features are included in the new Apple TV that was not, unexpectedly, rebranded as iTV. The device is smaller thanks to limited onboard storage. The lack of storage emphasizes Apple’s cloud-based strategy with the device, as all content is rented rather than purchased. Content offered will include first-run movies for $4.99 per rental and, as expected, 99 cent television rentals of television programming from News Corp (NYSE: NWS) and Fox and Disney (NYSE: DIS) network ABC. Also confirmed is the availability of instant video streaming through Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) on the device, as well as video streaming from Google Inc (NASDAQ: GOOG) property YouTube. Users will also be able to stream content stored on mobile devices running the upcoming iOS 4.2 through the Apple TV. Jobs demonstrated by streaming the Pixar film Up on Apple TV over WiFi from an iPad running the updated operating system.

iPod Shuffle Gets New Buttons, iPod Nano Gets Multi-Touch Display: As expected, APPL unveiled new models of its smaller music players. The string of leaked images showing off the new iPod Nano’s tiny touch-screen was proved authentic when Steve Jobs showed off the machine. Half the size and weight of the previous Nano model, the new iPod features a multi-touch, 2-inch by 2-inch screen and supports iOS, FM radio, and a new photo viewer. The new iPod Nano has greatly increased memory as well, coming in $149 8GB model as well as a $169 16GB model. The iPod Shuffle also received an update, with physical buttons reintroduced to the hardware, 2GB of storage, and increased battery life. The new iPod Shuffle will retail for $49.

As of this writing, Anthony Agnello did not own a position in any of the stocks named here.

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