Tuesday’s Apple Rumors — App Smackdown

Here are your Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) news items and rumors for Tuesday:

Meet the New Boss, Same As the Old Boss: Apple reportedly rejected Sony’s (NYSE:SNE) e-bookstore software app, Sony Reader iPhone, on the grounds that sellers can’t host “in-app” sales without processing those sales through Apple’s own app store. This fueled speculation that Apple would soon ban other apps that are digital storefronts, like Amazon’s (NASDAQ:AMZN) Kindle app. Speaking to Digital Daily, Apple says this isn’t a change in guidelines but an enforcement of old rules that in-app purchases must be processed through the App Store. Whether or not this is a new policy, it does mean that some apps will have to have their payment models altered. As of now, the Kindle App doesn’t process purchases through the App Store.

One and Done: For intrepid app developers working fast to get their software onto Apple’s App Store, take comfort in the fact that, provided you can get consumers to notice, you have an easy sale on your hands. A new study from Localytics found that 26% of apps downloaded on Apple devices are used only once. This would suggest that app developers need to find a reliable way to track usage to determine how much post-release support specific apps need. The study also found that this statistic fluctuates between 22 and 28% across other mobile platforms, including Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) Windows Phone 7, Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android, and Research In Motion’s (NASDAQ:RIMM) BlackBerry.

Charged Up: AT&T (NYSE:T) has more to worry about then the impending release of the Verizon (NYSE:VZ) iPhone next week. A new class-action lawsuit filed in Alameda County, Calif., claims that the telecom overcharges iPad and iPhone users for data plans. The lawsuit accuses AT&T of exaggerating web server traffic by 300% in its justification for the high cost of data plan subscriptions. Other accusations include claims that AT&T doesn’t accurately record the time and date of data usage and that the company charges for “phantom data traffic” logged when Apple devices are not in active use.

Triple Beta: BGR says that a third beta for the upcoming update to Apple’s mobile operating system iOS will be sent to developers by the end of Tuesday. The initial beta was released on Jan. 12 with a second released a week later. Confirmed features coming in the update are improved functionality for the AirPlay app, bringing the ability to stream video from third-party apps to an Apple TV using the iPad. There have also been rumors that iOS 4.3 will allow the use of a GSM iPhone as a mobile WiFi hotspot. The new update will also update the operating system for inclusion in the new CDMA iPhone 4 debuting with Verizon on Feb. 10.

As of this writing, Anthony John Agnello did not own a position in any of the stocks named here.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2011/02/tuesdays-apple-rumors-app-smackdown/.

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