America’s greatest business accomplishments would have never come to fruition had it not been for extraordinary leaders such as Elizabeth Arden‘s (NASDAQ:RDEN) eponymous founder, Apple‘s (NASDAQ:AAPL) Steve Jobs and the world’s Stephen Covey.
Covey’s recent passing inspired Forbes‘ contributor David K. Williams — who was a personal friend of Covey’s — to reflect on the many influential business leaders who are alive today. Williams compiled his own personal top 10 list of the people he considers to be the greatest business leaders now.
Here’s a quick look at five leaders who earned a spot on his list.
Anne Mulcahy
Mulcahy is the former CEO and chairperson of Xerox (NYSE:XRX). She was required to make several tough and unpopular decisions during her tenure that many say helped saved the company. Chief Executive Magazine named Mulcahy as “CEO of the Year” in 2008.
Brad Smith
Smith is the president and CEO of financial software giant Intuit (NASDAQ:INTU). The company has been wildly successful under Smith. He’s known as an innovative leader who empowers Intuit’s employees.
Howard Schultz
Williams describes Starbucks‘ (NASDAQ:SBUX) leader as “a consummate example of courage, hard work, and the ability to achieve the American dream.”
Indra Nooyi
During her tenure as CEO of PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP), Nooyi has incorporated various innovative initiatives that garnered financial success.
Larry Page
Page co-founded Google (NASDAQ:GOOG). He was named the company’s CEO in 2011. In Williams’ opinion, Page “has never let what others think sway him from pursuing the course for his company that he considers the best.”
Williams names five other leaders on his list. Head on over to Forbes to find out who else he chose.