Options Plays for Apple Earnings

With global markets still reeling from the latest round of bad news emanating from the increasingly toxic quagmire in Europe, some hopeful traders are looking for Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) earnings tonight to deliver a bag of goodies to the bulls. If recent history is any indication, it appears a gap higher following the release is a bit more likely than a gap lower. Four out of the past five quarterly announcements have resulted in up gaps.

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Interestingly, with Monday’s close of $603.83, AAPL was a mere $6.17 — or 1% — below its closing price following 2012 Q1 earnings. Despite brazen predictions of bulls and bears alike, the past quarter has been a veritable stalemate.

The behavior of implied volatility has been pretty typical over the past few weeks, a gradual lift placing it at a notable premium to historical volatility. Traders inclined to play the earnings gap desirous of a high-probability outcome ought to consider selling volatility in some fashion before the close today.

Bulls might consider selling August bull put spreads. The Aug 540-535 put spread currently can be sold for a 55-cent credit. Traders looking for a more aggressive bullish bet could simply use higher strike prices to generate a larger net credit.

Another play worth consideration for those lacking a directional bias on AAPL is the iron condor. This multi-leg spread consists of simultaneously selling a bull put and bear call spread in the same expiration month. For example, traders could sell the aforementioned Aug 540-535 put spread as well as an Aug 655-660 call spread. The condor currently can be sold for around a $1.20 credit.

Consider it a bet that options are overpriced and AAPL will remain between $540 and $655 by August expiration.

As of this writing, Tyler Craig did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

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Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2012/07/options-plays-for-apple-earnings-aapl/.

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