New Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) CEO Marissa Mayer is determined to turn her struggling company around; and she knows that boosting morale is a key component to the Herculean task setting on her shoulders.
It’s been reported that Yahoo employees now receive extra perks like free lunch and might even get an Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone courtesy of the company. But in a recent late-night email, the CEO announced additional plans to create a more cohesive corporate culture, Business Insider reports.
In the email sent to all employees at 12:45 a.m. on a Saturday, Mayer announced a new program that’s a spin off of a traditional suggestion box.
The program, PB&J, is short for Process, Bureaucracy, and Jams. PB&J will be led by Yahoo’s new Senior Director of Corporate Projects Patricia Moll Kriese. Although the memo was sent via Mayer’s account, it was co-signed by Kriese.
In the memo, Mayer and Kriese state their intention to make Yahoo “the absolute best place to work,” by streamlining processes, reducing bureaucracy and eliminating jams — hence the name of the program.
Here’s the memo in its entirety as published on Business Insider:
Process blocking your success? Bureaucracy getting you down? Jammed by problems and see a solution? We’re looking at how to streamline process, reduce bureaucracy, and remove jams – PB&J!
We’re launching PB&J today to gather your feedback on how to make Yahoo!
the absolute best place to work. Share your ideas on what would make your job easier, boost your productivity, and help solve problems.
What’s on your wish list for our corporate culture and work environment?
For example:
- GitHub for Code Review
- Dogfooding Yahoo! Mail & Calendar
- SSD’s (Solid State Drives) for faster machines
- Mi-Fi’s (mobile wi-fi cards)
We’ve done a few things already – free food, FYI, turning off the turnstiles in building D, removing parking lot barriers, eliminating mandatory orientation at the gym, etc. However, we know there is more we can do!
Do you see a problem and know how to solve it? Want to brainstorm with colleagues about what to fix and how to fix it? Give us your ideas. Or be heard loud and clear by simply voting.
We’ll review your ideas and votes, reporting back in FYI each month on actions taken. August PB&J starts now – and look forward to an update at the next FYI in early September!Questions/concerns/suggestions around PB&J, please contact Patricia Moll Kriese ([redacted]) who is our lead on PB&J.
Marissa & Patricia