Tuesday Apple Rumors: Apple to Launch Two 4K TV Sets Next Year

daily apple rumors AAPLHere are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:

Big Screen: According to a Japanese analyst, Apple (AAPL) will move into the TV business in 2014, Bloomberg notes. Masahiko Ishino, an analyst at Advanced Research Japan says that Apple will launch two TVs with 65-inch and 55-inch screens during the fourth quarter of next year. Both sets will feature 4K ultra-high definition screens with roughly twice the resolution of current HD TVs. The Apple TV sets are expected to feature a frameless design. Rumors have abounded for more than a year that Apple is working on its own TV set. Recent reports have suggested that Apple was working on prototypes of TVs with ultra-high definition screens. As usual, Apple has not commented on the reports, but its CEO Tim Cook said in a May interview that current TV technology is outdated and that television remains an area of “intense focus” for the iPhone-maker. A number of analysts had predicted the launch of an Apple TV set this year, but that seems unlikely and speculation has increasingly turned toward next year. Other rumors have recently suggested that Apple could introduced a new TV set-top box instead of a television set.

Oooops: A marketing ploy from T-Mobile (TMUS) went awry when its CEO forgot which device he was tweeting from, AppleInsider notes. John Legere sent out a message that was meant to promote Samsung’s new Galaxy Note 3 phablet, tweeting “Glad @SamsungMobile decided to bring phablets to the states. I don’t know what I’d do without my #Note3!” Unfortunately for Legere, Internet observers quickly pointed out that he had sent the tweet from Twitter’s iPhone app, prompting Legere to reply: “oops. I carry both as you may know! That was funny.” Hoping to prove the point, he subsequently posted an image of a gold iPhone 5s and a Note 3, pictured side-by-side along with Samsung’s new Galaxy Gear watch. Some commenters noted that the picture showed a generic screen for the Note 3, while the iPhone 5s displayed a customized home screen, pending notifications and multiple pages of apps, suggesting active use.

Unhappy: A California man is suing Apple over an automatic download of the files for its new OS, CNET notes. In a suit filed against CEO Tim Cook in San Diego Superior Court, Mark Menacher is demanding the removal of the iOS 7 installation files that were automatically downloaded to his mobile devices. The files are downloaded when the devices connect to both WiFi and a power source, but do not install the new OS unless the user authorizes it. The files can take up about 1GB of a device’s available storage, annoying users who do not want to install the new OS. Menacher issued a statement saying, “Apple’s disregard for customer preferences in relation to iOS7 is corporate thuggery.” He went on to accuse Cook of cultivating “a culture of contempt for customer satisfaction in pursuit of corporate profits.” He is demanding the removal of the files and damages of $50. He also says he is considering the possibility of a class action lawsuit.

For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2013/10/tuesday-apple-rumors-apple-launch-two-4k-tv-sets-next-year/.

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