The Winning Ticket for Investors After 25 Years

With our February issue, my newsletter Profitable Investing celebrates its silver anniversary. Not many investment letters make it to the ripe old age of 25, but we’ve managed to survive and even thrive, with almost 15,000 subscribers currently on the rolls.

ProfitableInvestingHow have we done it? I wish I could say it was all due to my dazzling brilliance, but there’s a more basic reason why we’re still chugging along.

It has to do with our approach to investing.

Sure, it’s a strategy that has made good money for our subscriber family — had you entrusted $10,000 to our model portfolio at inception in 1990, your stake would have grown to nearly $60,000 today.

More than that, though, we’ve taken a low-risk path that has enabled our readers to ride out the scary drops the markets have handed us from time to time. (Think 2008. Or 2002.)

We maintain a balanced portfolio, usually 60%-70% stocks and 30%-40% fixed income (bonds and cash). Our stocks provide the growth engine, while our bonds help cushion the inevitable jolts on the equity side.

According to the independent Hulbert Financial Digest, our portfolio fluctuates about 30% less month to month than the popular stock index funds. More stability means less anxiety for subscribers.

It also helps that we favor dividend-rich, low-volatility stocks, purchased at value prices. By owning these high-quality names, our subscribers are less likely to sell in a panic when the going gets tough.

In short, our approach gives investors a reason to stay in the game, rather than jump in and out (too often, alas, at the wrong time). You can’t win a long-distance race from the sidelines. After 25 years, we’re still in the thick of the contest, patiently and steadily gaining ground.

My subscribers know I have made it my life’s mission to help conservative investors like you protect and grow your wealth in every market climate. I do mean every market climate. As a member of Profitable Investing, my focus is on helping you make a few simple and prudent moves that will squeeze income and growth from every investment you make, while protecting yourself against the markets’ erratic and often very costly swings.

For consistent, market-beating profits and safe growth, Profitable Investing is just the ticket.

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