No Man’s Sky Refunds: 7 Things to Know

There’s been a lot of talk about No Man’s Sky refunds, but not all of it is true.

No Man's Sky, No Man's Sky Refunds

Many players have been requesting refunds for the game through Sony Corp (ADR)’s (NYSE:SNE) PlayStation Store,, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Steam. However, there are strict limitations to getting a refund.

Here are a few things to know about No Man’s Sky refunds, as collected from IGN.

  • PlayStation players can request a refund, but only if they are having technical issues with the game.
  • This requires players to go through a list of troubleshooting options before the refund will be handed out.
  • Amazon is offering refunds on a case-by-cases basis.
  • The online retailer didn’t state what criteria was necessary for players to get a refund.
  • Steam announced that it’s normal refund policy is available for No Man’s Sky players that are unsatisfied with the game.
  • It said there were no special exemptions available, which debunked a rumor of there being such.
  • Steam guarantees players a refund on games if the request is made within 14 days of purchase and the game hasn’t been played for more than two hours.

The surge of requests for No Man’s Sky refunds come as players are disappointed in what the game offers. Many features that were promised by the developer are missing from the final product. It also turns out that there’s just not much to do in the game after spending a few hours with it. This has upset gamers that were hoping for more from the game.

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