Leading the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) rumor mill today is patents for a waterproof iPhone. Today, we’ll look at that and other Apple Rumors for Tuesday.
Waterproof: A new patent details how AAPL may make a waterproof iPhone, reports AppleInsider. This new patent shows that the company may try to waterproof its smartphones via its accessories. This could be possible by including gaskets on accessories that act as plugs for the smartphone. This would prevent water from entering the device while accessories are plugged into it. The company already has solid water resistance when the accessories port isn’t in use.
Siri Update: AAPL is preparing for the World Cup with a Siri update, reports MacRumors. A new update for Siri makes it so that users can now ask the virtual assistant about the event. Siri will respond to these questions to help provide the user with information about the World Cup. The tech company is planning further updates for the virtual assistant to make it better able to answer sports questions.
Mac Apps: Some Mac apps are malicious, but Apple can’t tell the difference, reports 9to5Mac. A recent report claims that malicious Mac apps have been making it onto computers since 2007. The issue is that these apps appears to have Apple’s signature. As such, many security tolls don’t notice them. AAPL has updated its guidelines for Mac apps to hopefully help clear up this issue.