February Sky Events 2019: What to Look for in the Skies Next Month

What February sky events do you have your eye out for?

February Sky Events 2019
Source: Shutterstock

Here’s what you should look forward for next month to if you’re into stargazing or simply want to learn more about how the universe around us can be seen by the blind eye from Earth:

  • February 1: On the first day of the month, you’ll be able to see Saturn thanks to the moon’s positioning in relation to the Earth. This is because the moon will only be 5% illuminated, allowing you to see bright Saturn.
  • February 8: NGC 2808 is a global cluster with more than a million stars that you’ll be able to see in the constellation Carina if you’re in the southern hemisphere.
  • February 12: Later in the month, keep an eye out for Uranus, which you’ll be able to see using Mars as your guiding point. Uranus is pale and blue.
  • February 17: The Messier 44 (M44), which also has the name of the Beehive Cluster, can be spotted on the night of February 17th. You’ll be able to see M44 and the moon passing within 0°16′ of each other, which will make it easy to move from the moon to M44, where you will see a cluster of stars.
  • February 23: The dwarf planet Pluto can be seen by the naked eye on this day if you use Venus as your guiding spot. You will see Venus pass within 1°24′ of Pluto, although binoculars or a telescope may be necessary.
  • February 27: You may be able to see Jupiter on this night, although you’re more likely to see it on the morning of the 28th.

Happy stargazing!

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2019/01/february-sky-events-2019/.

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