Get Rich From High Oil Prices

I’m addicted to high oil prices. The reason is, they make me rich. And will continue to do so.

High oil prices make oil deposits in America, already well-known and surveyed, profitable to work.

Think about this: Exxon (XOM) spends $21 billion to replace one year’s worth of reserves, while fighting off corrupt local governments, maddened local tribes, Chinese duplicity and/or undersea pressures that crush steel drill bits like tissue paper.

Meanwhile, I can drive over to Jamestown, Pennsylvania, stick a spade in the ground and pipe out 516 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

Well, I can’t, but the tiny exploration company that owns the Marcellas shale deposit can. Ditto with the unknown oil outfit that’s got dibs on 300 billion barrels of oil in North Dakota.

The reason neither company has stuck the pipe in until now is simple: Prices were too low.

Well, I guess that’s changed. Our top buy for domestic oil exploration is up 27% in the last 2 months, and I’m using all the talk about cheap oil to double up my stake.

Pipeline Profits

At $3.50, even $4 a gallon, the electorate is grumpy but no one’s trading cars for bikes.

Meanwhile, of course, 6 billion people worldwide are doing the opposite and trading in their bikes for cars.

So continue counting on higher oil prices in 2008—spiking up to $150 a barrel, no doubt. (For more information on oil, check out: "Are Soaring Oil Prices a Bubble Set to Pop?" and "Drilling Deep for Oil Stocks.")

Home-grown pipeline layers and refiners are the second way to get rich in high oil prices.

Buckeye Partners (BPL) pumped out a sweet mix of dividends, safety and growth (total return was 20%) for Young’s Intelligence Report subscribers in 2007.

With a Price-to-Earnings ratio of just 16 and still not enough pipelines in the U.S. to meet demand, it’s a no-brainer.

Kinder Morgan’s (KMP) pipeline business is simple and predictable—huge pluses in this particular business.

The company’s new pipeline gets natural gas from the Rockies to Pennsylvania for the first efficient market in this resource ever. It’ll be open in 2008 and pumping cash (a 7% yield!) to shareholders immediately.

In your FREE report Pipeline Profits in 2008, I give you details on these two ways to profit safely, right here in the U.S., from oil’s high prices.

Sign up for your risk-free trial subscription to Richard Young’s Intelligence Report, and let him show you how to get rich from today’s high oil prices. You’ll get complete details in his newly released report, Pipeline Profits in 2008, when you join today. Plus, receive up to 17 additional reports immediately online. Click here now for more details.

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