Although AT&T (NYSE:T) says its decision to limit FaceTime to users of its mobile share plan does not violate Net Neutrality, consumers are seeing red.
In the off chance that you haven’t heard of FaceTime, it’s Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone’s video-calling app. Users of the smartphone who subscribe to AT&T will be required to upgrade their existing subscription plans to AT&T Mobile Share in order to use the feature in iOS 6.
The news of the requirement has caused many consumers and tech bloggers to cry foul.
In a report for The Huffington Post, Free Press President & CEO Craig Aaron says AT&T’s restriction is a “clear violation of Net Neutrality” and refers to the telecommunications company’s move as “plainly stupid and completely unnecessary.”
John Bergmayer, senior staff lawyer at Public Knowledge, says AT&T’s restriction violates the FCC’s Open Internet Rules, The New York Times reports.
“There is no technical reason why one data plan should be able to access FaceTime and another not,” Bergmayer said in a statement.
AT&T contends that it isn’t breaching rules because its restriction is not a block.
“The FCC’s net neutrality rules do not regulate the availability to customers of applications that are preloaded on phones,” Senior Vice President-Federal Regulatory and Chief Privacy Officer Bob Quinn said in a blog post. “Indeed, the rules do not require that providers make available any preloaded apps. Rather, they address whether customers are able to download apps that compete with our voice or video telephony services.”
Quinn also says “AT&T does not restrict customers from downloading any such lawful applications, and there are several video chat apps available in the various app stores serving particular operating systems.”
It’s not completely clear how other companies will deal with FaceTime. Verizon (NYSE:VZ) hasn’t yet revealed its intentions. Sprint Nextel (NYSE:S), however, has said it won’t charge extra for FaceTime use on its networks.