Look Out iTunes, Spotify! Here Comes Microsoft

The online music market is about to get more competitive. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is announcing today that it’s entering the streaming music business.

The new service, called Xbox Music, will offer ad-supported free music streaming similar to Pandora (NYSE:P) and Spotify, according to The Wall Street Journal. A fee-based version will give subscribers an ad-free service that allows for downloading as well as streaming. Xbox Music  will allow Microsoft to present a clear difference between its service and Apple‘s (NASDAQ:AAPL) iTunes, which doesn’t have a streaming option.

Here are some facts about Xbox Music:

  • Available only for PCs and tablets running Windows 8 and Windows RT
  • Available today for Xbox 360 users, this month for Windows 8 users
  • Also available on handsets using Windows Phone 8
  • There’s a free ad-supported version
  • A pay option allowing downloads will be available for $9.99/month
  • Could be available for Apple and Android systems withing a year
  • More than 30 million tracks are available, 18 million in the U.S.

More on streaming music:

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, https://investorplace.com/2012/10/look-out-itunes-spotify-here-comes-microsoft/.

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