Here are your Apple rumors and AAPL news items for today:
Revenue Split: Even though devices running Google‘s (GOOG) Android outsell those running Apple‘s (AAPL) iOS, Apple still gets the lion’s share of app revenue, VentureBeat notes. App sales for mobile devices are expected to hit $27 billion in 2013, with Apple accounting for $18 billion — roughly two-thirds — of those sales. The analysis comes from ABI Research, which says that iOS users are more willing to spend money on apps. The App Store generates 2.4 times more revenue than Google Play. Despite the larger number of Android devices, Apple’s revenue edge in app sales is expected to continue for years due to strong sales of apps for tablets. Tablet app sales are expected to overtake those from smartphones in 2017.
Leapfrogging: By 2015, sales of Apple devices will surpass sales of all products running Microsoft‘s (MSFT) Windows, InfoWorld notes. The analysis comes from industry research firm Gartner. In 2012, 347 million devices running on Windows were sold, compared to just 213 million running iOS and OS X. Next year, sales of Windows machines are expected to exceed those running Apple software by just 23 million. In 2015, Apple devices will outsell Windows devices. Gartner notes that Apple has already surpassed Microsoft in the consumer market, leaving Windows dominant only among the professional and enterprise segments. While that sounds good for Apple, consider that Gartner also predicts that sales of devices running Google’s Android will exceed the combined sales of Windows and Apple products this year. Gartner estimates that 867 million Android devices will ship in 2013, compared to 636 million Apple and Windows devices.
New Partner: Apple has concluded an agreement with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSM) to manufacture the next generation of its A-series mobile microprocessors, DigiTimes notes. Under the three-year deal, TSM will produce Apple’s A8, A9 and A9x microprocessors, which will power its future iPhones and iPads. The deal means that Apple has significantly reduced its reliance on Samsung to produce its chips. The manufacturer of Apple’s A7 chip, which is widely expected to power its upcoming iPhone 5S and next generation iPad was not specified in the report. The A8 chip is said to be meant for an iPhone to be launched in early 2014, while the A9 chips are scheduled to start production in late 2014. DigiTimes has mixed record when it comes to reports about Apple’s future products and plans.
For more about the company, check out our previous Apple Rumors stories.