Remember when they said that the global economy was going to be firing on all cylinders this year and we’d finally be “out” from the Great Recession? Well, it isn’t happening just yet — at least according to the World Bank. After a slow and bumpy start to the year, the group cut its global growth forecast down to just 2.8%. On the bright side, it expects the issues to be temporary and 2015 will be the global economies year. Cue the doom and gloom. Here’s Sandrine Rastello at Bloomberg with the details of the economic growth report.
Financial Times (Robin Harding): Guess what? Globally, housing prices are surging again! Of course, haven’t we been down this global housing road before?
USA Today (Adam Shell): And yet, investors are complacent about the rising market. If you’re not a fan of market pullbacks, that’s a bad thing.
Wall Street Journal (Eric Morath): Even U.S. officials are piling in on the low- to no-growth platform. Jack Lew is the latest.
MarketWatch (Tamer El-Ghobashy and Ali A. Nabhan): So how about that Iraq? All-out war, you say?
Morningstar (Samuel Lee): Given all the doom and gloom, we probably should be buying short-term bonds. Though for fixed income, Samuel Lee thinks CDs might be a better bet.
TechCrunch (John Biggs): Or Bitcoin — which you can now use for paying for your vacation at (EXPE).
Points & Figures (Jeff Carter): Maybe we just need a dose of real entrepreneurship to guide us. (Rachael Revesz): Chinese A-shares coming to an MSCI (MSCI) index near y… what’s that? Oh. Nevermind.
Wired (Issie Lapowsky): Get ready, ladies. Big Data is invading your “personal space.” Here comes the world’s best bra.
As of this writing, Aaron Levitt did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.