The newest viral sensation on Facebook (FB) is reposting your first profile picture.

The viral trend is as easy as it sounds. Users that want to participate just have to change to their first profile picture. There’s an extra part that has the user tagging three of their friends to do the same. This is helping the action grow in a similar way to how the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge did, reports The Washington Post.
The Facebook first profile picture trend is being called the next ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in terms of how fast it’s growing. However, it’s hard to track how fast something grows on the social media website. The challenge is similar to Throwback Thursday, which has users sharing old photos every Thursday, The Washington Post notes.
The first profile picture trend has also gained a new meaning for some users. It’s unknown when or how, but at some point, the trend started becoming a way to raise donations and awareness for the charity Mental Health Ireland, reports BreakingNews.
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